Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update on Campground -- Pool Day with the Grandkids (Scott AFB, IL)

It was perfect weather again today, we even had the A/C off all night.

Last week we called White River Campground in Cicero, IN.  That's where we're scheduled to stay next week so we wanted to confirm our reservation.  We got a voice mail telling us that the campground is closed due to flooding.  We got a call back later in the week and they said they've re-opened.  We have very good friends who live a few miles from the campground, so they went today to check it out for us.  They say it's in good shape, and it's a very nice campground.  That was good news!  Thanks Marian and Bob for checking on it for us. We'll be there Monday afternoon.

The grandkids wanted to go to the pool again.  Our neighbor told us about another pool on base that has a water slide.  So off we went to gather up the kids and bring them on base.

The kids had a ball.  After swimming and playing we went for ice cream.  It's getting down to only a few more days with them before we leave. I'm really going to miss them, they're great kids.

We were going to start the grill up tonight, but decided to go out to a Chinese buffet.  They're cheap and we were hungry for Chinese.  What a great meal... but we ate too much.  :)

We're still on a search for a weather alert radio, but as of now we've decided on the Midland model WR300.  Stay tuned, we're still researching.  Thanks very much for all the tips and advice from everyone.


Karen and Al said...

We have an Oregon Scientific weather radio. I think the model number is WR601. It's been a good radio, still works and is portable, so you can take it with you if you have to leave the RV. You can program in your county. I would recommend to stay away from the Radio Shack brand. We had several of the expensive model, and each of them quit working, once when a tornado came within 5 miles of our house...the weather radio didn't alert us! We had a guarantee so we didn't have to pay for all the radios but I think we must have gone through at least 5 of their radios before we gave up and went to another brand.

Don't wait...get one asap. I think has good prices on them.

Leno said...

Hmm, will have to talk to you about this pool. Looks nice. Maybe we will stay at that park again and have the g'kids join us.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...