Friday, June 25, 2010

Spoiling the Grandkids (Scott AFB, IL)

Today was grandkids day.  They had Vacation Bible School in the morning so we waited till a little after noon to get them.  That gave us time to get a couple of items from Walmart.

We went straight to the base pool.  We didn't know there was a pool on base till yesterday or we would have gone the last few weeks we've been here.  This pool was COLD, and refreshing.  There were very few there, I guess because it's a work day. We really did enjoy the time there.

We actually stayed till the kids were tired out and wanted to leave.  When we got home we ate a snack and the kids watched TV and played  awhile.

Everyone was getting hungry at 6:00.  This wasn't going to be a nice dinner that was really good for you; this was a junk food night.  Remember, we are "spoiling" the kids.  So their wish was  pizza rolls, potato chips, and Dr. Pepper.

The kids wanted to go fishing.  We haven't gone in years.  Jim helped the boys learn fishing techniques while I baited hooks and sometimes took the fish off the hook.

Kendall caught his first fish.

Kendall hooked a turtle.  We had to cut the line to let him go.

Kyle with a fish.
I was the designated "hook puller."
Kendall learned how to remove a hook.
While we were fishing a guy was flying his model plane on and over the lake.  He was really good with the controls.

We stayed till almost dark then went home to clean up.  Kendall was fascinated watching Grandpa wash the dishes by hand.  He asked if he could try it.  Of course, Grandpa welcomed the help!

We watched some DVDs the kids brought.  We also played pick up sticks, a game I used to play when I was a little girl.

We had a great time and they're staying the night so stay tuned for tomorrow's blog.


Gypsy said...

Sounds like a great day - for you and the kids.

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Looks like the Grandboys had a great day, Grandpa & Grandma also, isn't time with the kids just great, Wehad Adam for the week he is going home to Mom today, Glad you guys are having better weather, Be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

Mark and Dortha said...

I am so glad you are getting to spend so much time with the kids. I know they are loving every minute of it.

See you in Goshen.

KarenInTheWoods said...

wow it sure looks like you guys are having a great time! Pizza rolls, potato chips and dr. pepper hmmmmm very nutritious! LOL

Karen and Steve
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