Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Move Made -- Storms ( Troy, MO)

We slept fairly well at my sister's house last night.  The dogs were quieter than last time.  A couple of storms went through, so they stayed in the bedroom with her.  Doris made some pancakes for breakfast, then we left to see host Jim about the electricity and to see if we were going have to move the rig.

The two Jims did their guy thing and checked various connections with the volt meter.  The problem was right near the main plug outlet on the outside box.  Just for fun they pulled out the small box that contains two 25-amp buss fuses (they look like shotgun shells), turned it around 180 degrees and shoved it back in.  Power!  They're not sure why that would make a difference, but it did.  We plugged in our electric cord and everything powered up just fine.  It was chilly this morning so we didn't use the AC. We decided to stay put for now, but if the power continues to be unreliable we won't hesitate to move to the park we checked out yesterday.

A few storms went through then it was very sunny, humid and hot. We turned on the AC later in the afternoon and everything continued to work ok.  It was good getting back in our home.

I re-read some of my blog entries from the beginning of the year.  I needed a reminder of how far we've come.  It seems so long ago that we bought our home.  I also put all the blog entries for this year in Word format.  I now have them all backed up in case something goes wrong with the online blog.

I went over to Doris's to help walk the dogs, then watched TV and got on chat in the evening.  Just a laid back day.


Karen and Al said...

I'd be interested in knowing how you backed up your blog. It sounds like a great idea, but I have no clue how to go about doing it.

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Glad to see you got your power back, I was going to call you and offer to have you stay as our guest at the Lake Sherwood campground for $10 a night, but it is a little out of the way from your sisters at Troy, it is about 18 miles west of Hwy 61 & and Hwy N, you can goggle earth it and it will show you plainly the campground and lakes. We are going to see what you have in store for Sunday, Will be calling today later. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

Happytrails said...

Glad you all were able to get your power back. There is no place like "home" now is there???

Let us know what you did to back up your blog. I would be interested in knowing. Thanks!!

Take care,
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

Prettypics123 said...

I'm learning about voltage meters and that kind of thing on our trip. We need more power coming to our trailer at Morro Strand State Beach where we are camphosts. I'm hoping that our request for such is going to happen though we are told this problem has been going on for ten years!

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