Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day of Not Much of Anything -- (Troy, MO)

No problems so far with the electricity.  We had a very fast storm go thru during the night, but it didn't keep us awake long.

I want to answer a question from the comments.  There's been a few people ask about backing up a blog. Whether you simply copy and paste each entry to a word processing program, or use the internal back-up system of your blogger software, it's a good idea to back up your work.  After all, your blogs become a journal of your life.  I did a full backup of all 800+ blogs I did previously.  After we're gone our kids and grandkids will have a record of our happy retirement years on the road.

Jim and I went to Walmart because we needed a few groceries.  I'm trying very hard not to buy much this month. We got only essentials.  When Doris got home from her dog training sessions I went over to see what was up for the day.  She had to get a few things at Walmart so I went with her. I came back with veggies and more food.  This can't go on for all of June.  :)

I spent the rest of the afternoon with sis.  She took the dogs to get their yearly haircuts.  The Akitas look bald, but cooler without their heavy coats.  Doris, Buffy and Herm.

Jake and Buffy.
Buffy and Herm
Doris and our  hostess Judy came over for wine and to watch "So you Think You Can Dance."  It was a great day of not doing much of anything. We're learning how to do that well.  :)


Myrddin said...

You get the hang of doing nothing after awhile. :-)


Happytrails said...

Dee...thanks so much for the information regarding backing up our blog. You are right it is a journal we don't want to loose and hand down to our kids/grandkids.

Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

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