Friday, June 4, 2010

HOT, but Better then Freezing -- (Troy, MO)

Our son sent us a new photo of grandson Jack.  We'll be with them in the Chicago area in July.

I got up in time to get to my sister's to make some "taco fingers" hors d'ouvres for her reunion tomorrow. (The reunion is on her husband Herm's side of the family.)  Yummy stuff. I don't have the recipe yet, but I'll post it when I do.  I stayed with her for awhile watching the birds around the feeders.  The squirrels are a big problem getting on the feeders, so when we see them we go out the door to shoo them away.

Our host mowed around the rig today.  It looks so nice here.  He has a couple of riding mowers to mow the lawn, with the help of his grandkids.

We stayed in and watched recorded shows and I read - Jim reading a book on his Kindle and me reading blogs on my laptop.  We're also keeping up with the oil spill.  It looks like Pensacola, Fla is now getting some oil on the beaches.

Jim made some more campground reservations, so we're set for most of the summer. I have the list of where we'll be to the right of the blog.

Doris gave us a George Foreman grill, talk about a good meal!  We grilled chicken for half the time I normally can fix chicken.  I'll find a place to keep it.  I'm glad I didn't turn it down.

We're hoping to meet a blog reader in the morning.  I hope they can make it.  I'll have more on that tomorrow.


LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Now, do you have that feeder marked "Birds Only"?
How are the squirrels supposed to know that you didn't put that seed out there for you to enjoy watching them, too.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX

Prettypics123 said...

I hope you have fun with your blog reader tomorrow and your grandson in July!

Anonymous said...

I used to have trouble with squirrels and chipmunks climbing the shepherd hook poles that I have my birdfeeder's hanging from until I read a blog that indicated to place vaseline on the pole about three quarters from the bottom up.

Now I am a happy camper...the rodents eat the left overs on the ground and the birds are back in business. Have a great day!

Bo Dually!

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...