Saturday, February 22, 2025

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)  

I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for another blog. 

Sunday started fun. I watched the Nascar race, well part of it. It was a long rain delay, nothing unusual. I remember many times we went to the race and had rain getting us home really late at night. It's the chance you take. I have to get the names of the drivers memorized again and a lot of the children or grandchildren of the big time racers I've followed for years. 

Monday was President's day. The only thing that was different was no mail. I had WII bowling and crocheted all afternoon finishing up the football gnomes for an order, six Dallas cowboys. (Click on photo to enlarge). 

While I'm on Monday, I took a picture of the Crape Myrtle tree outside the door. It went below freezing a couple nights, so I'm watching to be sure the trees don't die. I love them, it's so pretty. 
The GBM zoom was Monday night. We have such a great group of gals who lost our husbands with Glioblastoma. There's still more dying with it. Maybe someday they'll figure out it's not a death sentence. 

Tuesday was beat the clock for deadline times. First was diamond art normal time 10:00 but I had a tiktok at noon. That was ok, but then meditation is at 1:00 so I had to run from one to the other building  leaving the zoom three minutes early. I was on time by 45 seconds. I got a few things lined up for the rest of the week and home for a bit of ukulele practice and guitar before going to cards. I've learned if you put a capo on fret 5 on the guitar it's the same as the ukulele. I'm trying hard to learn a couple songs for my visit with my son when I get there in May. 

Wednesday was WII bowling again,  I did a score of  202 this time as the high game. I had to hurry home for another zoom learning tarot cards. I've been doing this class awhile and so far so good. I'm picking up the meanings of them enough to do good readings. It's so fun! It keeps the mind working and alert.  Now this is the best! At 3:00 in the cold wind the Lobster truck came again. 

I got 2 cups of lobster bisque, 2 cups of England chowder, 2 quesillia's, 2 taco's and 2 lobster rolls. I'm set for 3 days of food (lunches and dinners).  I love when they come.  I was late for the next tiktok then rolled right into youtube zooms. Dinner and crocheting, it was a long day and I didn't feel like playing cards. 

Thursday was another day of beating the clock. I had lunch with crochet gals at 11:00 they came to our commons instead of having the meeting at  building 6. I stayed an hour and went home for zoom for the Death Cafe.  At 3:30 I had my own meeting for a workshop on what paperwork you need after you pass. There were 20 people and I had handouts for them to follow. It turned out really well and it seems everyone was pleased on what they need to do and who to contact. All I want to do is get the ball rolling for everyone here thinking on who and what needs done for their estate. I finished up in time to catch the bus to Niceville for a great Chinese dinner at 1st Choice. There were 20 of us and they had room for us for a great buffet. I'd like to go back at some point. It was a cold night but it was worth it. 

Friday was quieter. I had all morning to get some much needed shopping done. I only go every two months. I get meals delivered (Hellofresh) every other week and make my own meals or have leftovers the second week.  I had ukulele lesson at 4:00 then NC zoom at 6:00 but made both times.

Saturday is meeting up with a couple people to watch a video called SOUL. I have another Death Cafe zoom at 6:00 but crocheting in the afternoon.  I'm getting a list made up for the craft fair and still have several manger sets to make. I'm not bored and I'm loving the weeks going by quicker. 

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Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51) Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlar...