Thursday, June 24, 2010

NC Friend and Family (Scott AFB, IL)

What a great day!  The temperature was down and so was the humidity.  I'll take it.  We read blogs till our friend Jerry called us on the ham radio saying he was close to our exit.

It was great seeing someone from "home."  We talked about his trip from NC to California that he does every couple years.  He has a brother out west.  Jerry is a "rail fan" and he stops at different locations and watches trains.  Thank you so much Jerry for stopping by on your way west!

The next item on the agenda was to figure out the couch bed.  When we first got the RV we opened up the couch looking for a "pull out" bed and there was none there.  But there was a box under the couch cushions that had an air mattress in it.  Jim followed the instructions for the air pump and got it blown up.  It's huge in here but sure seems to be a nice bed.  It sits on the floor and an extension fits over the seat portion of the couch.

Jim had to try it out.
Then it had to be deflated.  The little pump also can be used to take out the air. FAST!

We'll be using it for the grandkids tomorrow night.

Our son and kids came over for dinner.  We had meatloaf grilled hamburgers.  Anything that goes in meatloaf was put in hamburger then made into fat patties.  YUM, they were good!

Jim at the grill and Kyle Frank and Kendall on the step.
And we're eating a grilled meal outside with great weather.
It was a great time, but we sure missed Angie.  She had an appointment and didn't make it over this time. We'll make it up to her next week.

Jim ordered a phone and played around getting it set up.  He's been texting with the regular phone dialing pad. Now he has a keyboard.  He's happy with it.

The next few days will be busy and if the temperatures stay down we'll do some more sightseeing.


Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Tell Jerry Sam is a railfan also and if he is in town again give him our number and he and Sam can go to the train museum and other spots. Looks like a fun time with the kids, hope you guys are doing great. be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Interesting bed! Ours had just a plain old pullout.

Glad the weather isn't so hot and humid for you now so you can have some fun!

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

I like the air mattress bed. Ours didn't work out so good and we ended up getting rid of it.

Glad you are able to enjoy the good weather.

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