Sunday, June 27, 2010

Celebration Ceremony for Vacation Bible School (Scott AFB, IL)

We didn't do much all morning.  Jim always watches the political talk shows on Sunday mornings.  And we both enjoy "CBS Sunday Morning."  They always have a good variety of stories that's fun to watch.  Our son came over to watch the NASCAR race with us, then we went to his place for pizza.  After dinner we went to watch Kendall sing in a Vacation Bible School program.  It was fun to watch and the kids did great!  They had games after the ceremony. Their church is huge.  This is the whole group... about 250 kids!

The games after the ceremony. This is Kyle on the mechanical bull...

This is Kyle off the riding bull.
This is Kendall on the riding bull...
 This is Kendall off the riding bull.
They both did the same time of 5 seconds.  It was neat watching the kids try to stay on.

Kyle then Kendall going down the slide.

There were quite a few things for the kids to do. The whole family snacking with grandpa watching.
We went back to the house.  There was a storm coming up so we left for home.  We were just a quarter of a mile away when it just poured.  We sat in the car till it passed a bit to keep from getting wet.

By the way, I want to thank everyone who sent tips on the possible causes of our sporadic odor problem.  We checked the exhaust vent on top of the RV, and we put in baking soda and vinegar solution down the drains.  We think the problem is a combination of the very hot weather, and the first sign that we need to dump, which we plan to do tomorrow. 


Darrell and Judy Patterson said...

Aren't grand kids just the best?

Kenny And Angela's Adventure said...

That is a big church.I work for a church that has about 2000 members and we had about 250 kids at our VBS.Glad thay had a good time.

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