Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two Months on the Road - Picnic with the Family (O'Fallon, IL)

We've been on the road two months.  Our start dates was March 6. We have a wonderful fifth wheel, nothing is wrong with it now that we've had a couple of things fixed.  There's NOTHING I'd change with it. We're enjoying the lifestyle very much and have been to 14 parks, one of them boondocking at a Cracker Barrel.  Going back to December when we moved into our rig we've averaged $16.50 a night for 163 nights.  We've stayed at resorts and private parks along with military famcamps. We've moved sites in the same campgrounds and learned to park in tight places with trees.

We changed our residency to Florida.  We've paid off the RV and are now debt free.  We're free to come and go where the weather is good.  We've dodged tornadoes here in Illinois and are currently having fun with our family. 

We're looking forward to the rest of the summer with family then the Escapees rally in September in Goshen, IN. There's still some sightseeing we'll be doing before going to Florida for the winter.

It's been a wonderful two months and we've experienced a lot, with more coming our way.  I still suggest if you're thinking at all to go full time, go for it.

 I learned something that I forgot to share from my sister.  She had a lot of work done in the yard and the guys that worked had a great solution for gnats that fly around your face.  Put a dab of vanilla extract on your neck.  It smells good but the gnats don't like it. We're not sure about mosquitoes, but the gnats will stay away.

There's a new website to the right on my blog called  It's got lots of information about parks all over the U.S.  You can never get enough info when searching for an RV park.

The family came this evening with chicken, I made some side dishes, and we ate outside on our picnic table. I can't believe I forgot pictures. I took the boys by the lake to feed fish and turtles then we went to the BX (Base Exchange) to look around.  On the way we saw two beautiful red foxes cross the road in front of us and run around the grass field beside the base runway.  That was quite a thrill!

They left early to get the kids ready for bed, school is tomorrow.  Frank will be busy tomorrow so we're on our own till tomorrow evening.  We're all going to the local stock car races.


Speedy said...

It is hard to believe that we are starting our 5th year in our RV. It just seems like yesterday. We still love living in our house on wheels and can't wait to move it to Arizona next winter.

Gypsy said...

I'm so glad everything is working out well for you, and that you are enjoying the fulltiming life!

Mark and Dortha said...

Time flys when you are having fun!

Have a great summer and we are looking foward to seeing you in Goshen if not before!

Hugs to you both.

The Gypsy G-Mas said...

Congratulations on your 2 month milestone! We are just about a month behind you so I can relate to so much of what you write. Thanks for sharing all of your adventures. I enjoy reading them and following along. I'm sure the next 2 months, and the next 2 years, and so on will continue to fly by. Enjoy every moment!

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...