Monday, March 1, 2010

Tumbleweed on the move? Not quite yet...

Your blog update today is brought to by the Jim half of Jimdee. We had every intention of hitching up today to head for the dealer to finally get our repairs done. However, fate sometimes has a way of intervening. It seems that Dee has come down with a flu bug. She was up most of last night running to the bathroom (which fortunately is not a long run). :) She is now resting somewhat comfortably and tolerating light food. So, although we're crossing our fingers and hoping we can move out tomorrow, we're not rushing it. The health of my angel is paramount. Fortunately our dealer is being very flexible and understanding. And here's an interesting twist: I heard this morning that there were 3 accidents involving 8 or 9 vehicles on I-40 just west of Raleigh. They were all in the same area and happened around the time we would have been traveling through that area. So everything happens for a reason. As bad as I feel for Dee, her current misery may have prevented a much more serious situation. How's that for looking on the bright side? Oh, and for all you chatters out there, Dee may not be up to joining the room this evening. Thanks for reading my first post... Dee will be back tomorrow to get things back to normal. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

You are a natural blogger Jim. Keep up the good work. Heres to hoping Dee is better by the morning.

Safe travels

Brenda Brown

smdrm said...

Jim, you did a great job on your first post. Maybe Dee will share the writing job with you from time to time!!

Dee - Feel better soon. We're thinking about you!

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Great job, Jim. Thanks for letting us know. Hope Dee feels better tomorrow.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Oh Jim, you make a great substitute blogger! Things happen for a reason sometimes, and hearing about those accidents makes you wonder. Not only the tragedy of them, but also the traffic snarlup of waiting for the roads to clear was also averted. Glad you both are safe and sound! Dee---- Chicken Soup!

Karen and Steve

Speedy said...

Jim...I am so sorry to hear about Dee..Please tell her Sherri and I hope that she gets to feeling better. Just slow down...all things will work out.

Rod Ivers said...

Good job Jim, add a comment onto Dee's reporting once and a while. It is good to hear your perspective too. Hope Dee gets over these nasty symptoms quickly.

JB said...

Well done Jim, now if I can just get Brenda to spell me off. Get well soon Dee there is a whole world out there waiting patiently for you to see it through your windshield.

Unknown said...

Yep, you would have been in gridlock at least. At worst - I don't want to think about it! Dee - feel better soon!

Happytrails said...

Hope you feel better soon Dee! Yes, things usually do work out for the best. Glad you all weren't in that area at that time.

Jim, great job. Now Dee has to get better or you might take over her job. LOL

You all travel safely! :)

Jenny Johnson said...

Here's some virtual chicken soup Dee - I need you well tomorrow lol
Hope youre feeling better real soon

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