Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Morning Spent with Special People -

We got up before the sun this morning for a two hour trip to Welaka, Fl. Here's some background:

In November 2005 we decided to go full time. The first thing Jim & I did was go to the websites, forums and googled anything we could find on full time RV'ers. The one group I joined right away was the RV-Basics, yahoo group. On that group someone mentioned RV-Dreams.com. It's a great site run by Howard and Linda Payne. They started out as fulltimers without knowing anything about an RV. In 2008 they had a Rally in Branson, MO. We got to see them, but not really spend time with them. We've been following their blog all these years, so when we knew they were only two hours from us we asked if they would be around this week. They said to come on over, so today we enjoyed a wonderful morning and lunch with them.

Howard & Linda, thank you for having us, and for being such a great inspiration to new fulltimers everywhere!

Jim, Howard and Linda sitting on the dock. It was sunny but chilly.

We asked all kinds of questions. Now that we're fulltime we wanted more info on how to find parks, where's their favorite parks and all kinds of other questions. We loved being with them since we feel we've known them for a long time. We've contacted them a few times by phone and emails, so they knew us a little bit.

We went to one of their favorite places to eat lunch, "Shrimp R Us n More". I'd go back just for the food. The conversations still continued and we really hated to leave.

Linda, Dee and Howard

We talked about the rally April 7-11 in Myrtle Beach and how much help they need. We'll do our part for sure. We had hugs and said our goodbye's then left by 2:00 to get back before it got too late and hit the traffic of those working. We also checked several other RV parks along the way back to our park.


Merikay said...

I'm where you were five years ago! Just reading and dreaming!

I hope I will meet some of the RV dreamers in the future. Hope I don't have to wait as long!

It is so encouraging to see it really happen.

KarenInTheWoods said...

OH what a wonderful visit with the very folks who brought many of us together!

Glad you guys got to finally meet up and have some good times...

and thanks to Linda and Howard for giving us RVDreams Chat and RVDreams forum to meet and learn and enjoy other fulltimers.

Karen and Steve
(Blog) http://kareninthewoods-kareninthewoods.blogspot.com/

Speedy said...

Hey guys...so great to see you with Howard and Linda!!!They have so much knowledge of traveling and finding good parks to stay in. Remember all you learn so we can get up to speed. Sherri and I have been sick and I have not been on the computer for a while. I think we are going to make it now. Later

Gail and Rick said...

Dee, you look so relaxed and happy in that photo with Howard and Linda! Guess this lifestyle does suit you well :)

Ray and Marsha said...

Thanks to Linda and Howard for giving us RVDreams Chat and RVDreams forum to meet and learn and enjoy other fulltimers. I have icons on Home Page of all the recommended RV blogs. Your blog is now added as well. I hope you won't mind me asking questions about your set up if I can't figure out some of the features you have.
We went fulltime 9/06 and love it. Marsha Lamp

Evelyn said...

I too have been following Howard and Linda's site for about a year now. I have done a bit of posting in the forum, but haven't tried the chat room. I found your site today after seeing it mentioned on RV-Dreams.com.

I look forward to reading about your journey. We are all ready to go, just waiting for the house to sell. It has been extremely frustrating. I sure hope it sells soon.

It gives me hope each time I find a new fulltimer's site. I started a blog a month ago in anticipation of getting on the road. Hopefully, it will be soon.

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