Monday, January 4, 2010

Where Did the Day GO??

It's already time to post and I have no idea where the day went. Now that's a first!

We slept really well last night with furnace set at 68, the little heater running in the bedroom and the fireplace going. We stayed warm and comfortable. We'll just keep an eye on the propane tanks.

I was online with a couple chatters this morning which one was my mom. She's doing great with the computer so hopefully all will go well for her while we're gone. I can chat with her anywhere we're parked. It was over two hours later that I started doing anything at all. The budget and bills needed some attention for 2010 and finishing up 2009. I had started it over the weekend, but the banks hadn't been open so nothing for three days was posted. I can't do a lot with 2010 because I have NO idea what we'll be spending. It's going to be neat to see what we have to pay for as we travel.

I ironed Jim's work pants on top of the counter with a towel under them. It worked, so the next five weeks if nothing is critical that's the way I'll continue it.

I need to catch up on blogs and games, does that mean I should go back to work? I don't think so, but I do need to catch up.

The temperature was high 32 today with teens at night. So far we're doing ok. I'm getting a lot of emails from the Craigslist postings that was put on yesterday. I hope we sell everything next weekend.

Days left to leave for Texas 40


Speedy said...

See I told you that the time will slip by real fast when you are full timing. This is why I get so far behind. I just got my computer back from the shop so I will catch up soon.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Ahhh and once Jim retires, you will never need to iron his dress pants again. Because once you are retired, it's gonna be SHORTS and TEE SHIRT weather from now on!!!

Easy Going Week - Birthday Party - Tornado Outbreak

 Sharlimar, FL   (Hi 78 Lo 66) It was a normal quieter week than last week. The normal schedule was Wii bowling Monday and Wednesday morning...