Friday, January 1, 2010

Beginning of Another Year

We didn't do to bad last night. It rained hard going to our destination for a New Years get together, but quit by the time we left to come home. We were in bed by 2am, that's pretty good for New Years Eve.

We were both up at 9:30 and after our morning routine we started putting more of our stuff in a "moving" mode. I emptied a few tubs and put them in the overheads or in the closet. I also worked on the new 2010 budget, now that's fun, not knowing what the year will bring with the new financial stuff. That will come in time.

I have a list of things that have to get done before February 13. Sell what's left at the apartment. Clean the apartment and sign off on it. Next week we'll stop the cable, get the bigger TV and next Saturday Jim has a guy scheduled to rewire the new TV in the RV.

It's going to be busy the first two months of the year, then it's on to a new life. How exciting it's getting for us. Tonight it's going to be in mid 20's by midweek in the teens at night. We're having a challenge with propane and the increase of price for the electric. The rent for the month has gone up $50. Our financial challenge has already started. We're going with more propane and need to get the one tank refilled tomorrow.

Days left to leave for Texas 42

1 comment:

Rod Ivers said...

If your going to be there for a while, you might look into getting a bigger LP bottle. You can rent them and they fill cheaper. But best of all you don't run out all the time. Usually they give you credit for the gas left in the tank when you return it.

Easy Going Week - Birthday Party - Tornado Outbreak

 Sharlimar, FL   (Hi 78 Lo 66) It was a normal quieter week than last week. The normal schedule was Wii bowling Monday and Wednesday morning...