Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Laptop - Buyer??

I slept well last night, but still got up about 9:00. Perfect morning. I cleaned up a bit and glad I did, more on that later.

I've been very upset with the Toshiba laptop that I got last year and the past two nights I've had a lot of trouble staying online. The internal WIFI died, so I have to use a USB connection, out of four USB ports, only one worked when it wanted too. When our Intrex store opened at noon we were there. I bought a Lenovo N500 Think Pad. It took us most of the afternoon to get it setup and I had to bring all the files from the Toshiba to the new one. I'm now online and should be stable. I may keep the other one as a backup, but I need to reload VISTA back on it and reformat the whole thing. I have never done that and would like to know how, so it will be a fun one to practice learning.

At 1:00 we had a couple come over to see about buying the condo. They seemed very interested, we can only wait and see. We're going to sell on our own and not through a Realtor since we haven't signed with anyone yet. They want a bigger place instead of a one bedroom apartment which is what we're looking for, so hopefully we can do a swap. That would be so unreal to have that all work out.

It's been pouring rain all day and tonight it's suppose to snow and get very cold, back in the teens. It's suppose to be 17 tonight but back to 60's by Friday. I just wish winter was over.

Nothing else to report, but what a great day. I'm spending any extra time on Facebook and the game Bejeweled. The RV-Dreamers are competing with one another.

Days left to leave for the wedding 85


Gypsy said...

I'm thrilled for you that you might be able to sell your condo sooner than you thought. Keeping my fingers crossed ..... gypsy

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

I am praying that it works out for you, too, Dee and Jim.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...