Saturday, February 28, 2009

RV SHOW, Raleigh, 2009

RV show was a success!

No, we didn't get one, but we sure did learn a lot and saw a lot of new ideas in lay outs. The vendors that we wanted to see weren't there, but that's ok, we still have time.

Now, we have it down to two different fifth wheels. I fell in love with the Forest River, Cedar Creek (the one above) but we also like the Heartland Landmark Pinehurst. The decision will probably be closer when we go to the factories for both of them in June. We met with the factory representative for the Cedar Creek and she'll be the one to do the tour. We saw a lot of new ideas with window furnishing, kitchens, bedrooms and of course the new widescreen TV areas. Jim wants the 42" TV, or at least a big enough space to put one in.

We did see a unit that we've never heard of, but not sure if it would be on our list, at least not for full timing. The OPEN RANGE. It has some faults but very interesting lay out. I'm so sorry and I was furious with myself, but I forgot the camera. I have NEVER gone to an RV function without the camera. I did take one picture by the cellphone which is very interesting and a great idea, well maybe if ya'll say it would be a good idea. It's the kitchen utility in this model that's very different than what we've ever seen.

The two doors open then the two drawers pull out. It's all set in, but when it's all closed it's flush with the wall with the refrigerator beside it. It's awesome! It's compacted to get all your cans in, or all the cereal boxes etc.

Amazing what ideas people come up with for these RV's. I like the windows in some and others are too low and too small. The storage under the beds are nice on most but none at all in others. We're still thinking the two we've chosen will be the best. IF I had to make a decision right now, it would still be the Pinehurst. It's not set in stone.

We had a great time, and learned that the Heartland will now be sold right here in our area, about 20 minutes away. The Cedar Creek is about 30 minutes away. Both are dealers that just started selling those brands. It just seems everything is falling into place.

It was raining all morning and the temperature was dropping fast, so we came home late afternoon. I cleaned up and sorted more stuff out to take to work or to the kids. I also cleaned windows. We've been married 39 years in March and for the first time, we have NO magnets on the refrigerator. I guess they won't stick on the ones in the RV's so I have to get use to a plain surface. What a huge difference. I'll sure miss them.

Jim really did well yesterday in taking so many books out. We had seven shelves of books, now we have two. The room has an echo to it, but sure does look nice.

Days left to leave for the wedding 86


squawmama said...

Aren't Rallies the best thing ever... A great place to see rigs and to look at new ideas for the traveling lifestyle... We are leaving tomorrow for Orlando, Fl for the State Winnebago Rally then we head to Perry Ga. for the FMCA National Rally... That one should be HUGE.... Have a great day... I know you're getting excited now.


Rod Ivers said...

We stick little decorative magnets on the front of the range hood, since the door of the frige is not metal.

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

Fun! It will be interesting to see what you decide on. Plus the freedom of downsizing the books. More changes and decisions to follow I'm sure. Sounds like you are enjoying it.

Randy and Pam

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

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