Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Camper - The Challenge

The campervan that turns into a two-seater
A new motorhome may be ideal for those trying to skimp on holiday costs during the credit crunch. The vehicle doubles as a two-seater city car so tourists can cruise around town, and it's more fuel efficient than a traditional motorhome.

The Colim vehicle sleeps four people and has a top speed of 90mph. German designer Christian Susana hopes the 'sleek curves will appeal to women buyers'. He is now looking for a firm to make the vehicle.

Now we have our RV. (NOT) What a great weekender though.

I worked from 9-1 today. All went quite well and we have everything sent out for the end of the month. I had a dental appointment at 2 and passed! No cavities, that's one full year with no dental work. I scheduled for the next six months but hopefully that will be the last time for here in the area. We talked quite a bit about what we're going to do. They've been following our plans for three years. It's great having a doctor remember you when you walk in, that's something I'll miss. My dentist has been the best ever and he's also quite handsome, that helps.

Sandra, from RV-Dreams chat, gave me a challenge and it happened to be on a day I didn't get the blogs read, so I'm behind a bit. I took the challenge. She has problems with facebook and blogs that have music or is large to download because of bandwidth being fulltime she's limited for the internet.

The challenge is to give 25 random things about myself. I've received several emails on telling about yourself. This one isn't on what color do you like and what did you eat this morning sort of thing. I tried to tell something that's more interesting. I did come up with 25 things.

1. I was a wife of 26 years in the AirForce

2. I've had a total of 48 jobs, sometimes 3 at a time

3. I've worked 3 yrs as a waitress, one of my favorite jobs

4. My favorite job was working on the space shuttle Columbia at NASA in Florida

5. For 8 years I sold Tri Chem liquid embroidery and was manager, and won a trip to NY in 1976

6. I worked 13 years on the midnight shift

7. I was cub scout leader and commissioner for a total of 4 years

8. We moved all over the US and I love moving

9. I don't care for many girly things, like movies and makeup

10. I love nature and walks in the woods or by lakes

11. I enjoy geocaching

12. I like good fun competition

13. I can drive a stick shift, which a lot of people don't know how

14. I can sew my own clothes if it comes down to that or nothing

15. I don't want to own any animals, I get too attached

16. I like doing things at the spur of the moment, the less planning the better.

17. I also like planning if it's a huge event, like going fulltime

18. I like playing games online and also spend a lot of time chatting

19. I like going to plays, my favorite is Phantom of the Opera and My Fair Lady

20. I love to organize, anything

21. I like crafts, beading as the favorite and knitting/crocheting as secondary

22. I like to collect shot glasses, glass eggs and bird houses, that's no more when we get on the road.

23. I've been on three cruises to the Caribbean

24. I have only missed one episode of Survivor

25. I've been to Mexico a couple of times

I now pass the challenge to Debken. Good luck. It takes some thinking.

Days left to sell the condo 4 mths 2 days


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Great random things Dee. It's amazing what you learn about a person in these challenges. Thanks for taking it!

squawmama said...

It is always fun finding out things about our bloggin friends... Thanks for sharing the 25 random things with us... Have a great day


Anonymous said...

I thought you worked on the Columbia... Challenger wasn't built when we lived in Florida.

Tumbleweed Dee said...

Frank is our son and he's right, it was Columbia. It has been corrected. Thanks Frank

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