Shalimar, FL (Hi 74 Lo 64) Perfect Weather all week
I've been getting questions on things I've been doing and how it's coming along. I thought I'd start out by giving updates.
Several have asked how I can do so much: A good calendar on the phone. I check the night before to be sure I have everything in line for the next day. I stay "organized" with when I can have meals, it's mostly 10 minutes between activities, sometimes it's just a breakfast bar, but I try to eat well. That's the biggest hangup with time I have, eating.
The next question how are you doing on the ukulele and guitar. I am in two classes a week with the ukulele, just for fun but very informative. I can work with the ukulele on the couch and have more room then with the guitar. I have to be in a bigger chair for the guitar. I learned real quickly I can't do both, the notes and strings are so different but it gives me something to work on. Brain learning is good "they say".
Another update, the acupuncture on the knee has been a success. I can walk a lot better, no stabbing pain which allows me to walk straighter and faster which has helped the hip. Now I do more walking and not limping I can even get up off a chair without pain. Amazing, I hope it lasts. I recommend it highly for all kinds of physical ailments.
On with the week:
Sunday's are ukulele class about 4pm, then cards right after it. This means grab something fast to eat.
Monday is bowling and I had a few hours in the afternoon that were free. Ok, now what, do I play ukulele, crochet, clean house, play games? I did all of it, a few minutes of each, that took me to card playing then the nightly chat on zoom.
Tuesday I went to diamond art early I got a lot done. Yes, I'll show you when I'm done with it. I stayed in the same room for meditation. We're working on how the science has proved meditation can change your overall way of life. Very interesting and informative. The afternoon was free, so I helped a couple people with their phones/computers and crocheted the rest of the afternoon til card time.
Wednesday started out with bowling, bad day, high score was 174. I can't get it consistent. I had a zoom meeting then went to Madi Gras craft class. It hangs on the door or wall. (Click on the photo to enlarge).
It's always a fun time around here with birthdays.
What extra things do I do? Puzzles, Legos, reading (a little at a time), games on computer, media check, tiktok moderator, 4 zooms every week, crocheting (a lot), guitar, ukulele, helping with phones/computers (at least 4 a week), cards, happy hour, I sit outside some now that it's nice weather. I do not like being bored, and living here that's not even possible. Thank you to everyone that reads the blog. I so appreciate you.
Always happy to read the Blogs, it's just that I read so many, I alternately skip commenting on many.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.
I am so glad that you recommend acupuncture. Len has severe back pain. Needs surgery but cardiologist will not clear him for it. He goes to a pain management clinic down at UAB in Birmingham. He has an appointment in two weeks. We will be asking about acupuncture. Thanks for the affirmative on its success. It gives us hope.
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