Monday, October 9, 2023

CHICAGO MARATHON - Photo Intensified

 Aurora, IL  (Hi 55   Lo 43)

I'll skip Sunday thru Wednesday because it's the same every week. BUT get ready for a picture filled blog which you can click on each photo to make it larger and zoom to see details.  This has been a whirlwind five days. 

Thursday: I went to the airport and took Southwest Airlines to Nashville then on to Midway in Chicago. I slept through that flight from the time we were in the air till we were coming down and I grabbed this shot of I 80 with all the trucks, Click on this photo and zoom in. That's what a typical day looks like and every time we tried to take the RV closer to our son. It was also a very bumpy flight with air turbulence. (Sure didn't keep me awake)

It was very cloudy, but that's the city in the back ground to the right is Lake Michigan. 
Once in Nashville, I had time enough to get lunch and get on the next flight to Midway. It was also bumpy and so much so, they didn't give out drinks and snacks. I slept through it all till we were landing. 

The first thing we did was go to Jack's (grandson) soccer game. His mom was there so we took a picture of all of us which is who I spent my time with the next few days. 
                                        Rick, Jack Evan Kendra, Dee, Tammy and Luke
When we got to Tammy's I took a night picture of their tree out in the back yard. Bright red maple. 
The next morning we were up early and picked up Jack for his birthday present. His mom decorated the yard for Halloween. The witch moves and laughs and the pumpkin scarecrow also makes noise. There's ghosts and skeletons everywhere. 

Rick got Jack a "drive" at the extreme experience in a Lamborghini, and Porsche. Before he did anything, he went thru a class telling about all the hand signals the instructor would use.  
He wore a helmet with face mask which had speakers from the instructors in it. 
They first took Jack in the Charger to show them HOW to drive the track. 
Then he was IN the Porsche IN the drivers seat. 
When he came out, this was the reaction. 

This is the selection of all the cars that can be driven.
So number two was the Lamborghini. 
When that excitement was over, we headed downtown for lunch at the TimeOut Market. This place has a lot of restaurants to chose from. We got BBQ, but wasn't the best in the world. 
The next important thing was to pick up Rick's packet in McCormick Place for the Marathon. We thought this looked funny and wondered just how many kids would know what that sign means. 
I've never been to McCormick's and it's huge. I did a lot of firsts this trip. This view is just to get to the main area where the event was happening.
There were booths for pickup of packets for the racers. 
This pickup was for the 5K runners
There were so many people but it was so organized there were no problems. The only thing you need is patience. There were lines to buy clothes and lines to try them on. 

Take a break and have a beer

There were maps everywhere on the route the racers would take through town. 

While we were on the way home, I got this gas station sign. 
This was the way to keep warm while resting. (Rick)
Saturday: Luke had his birthday party, he's nine. It was held in a really neat place with kids bowling, lots of games and snacks. They had decorated pancakes with several toppings. Here's some of the activities. 
They decorated bowling pins
and pancakes
This is Luke with his pancakes
Several games

Tammy made up gifts for everyone
We went from the party to Jack's 2nd soccer game. I forgot to take pictures on the field, but he didn't play but a few minutes. Still fun to watch the team. They lost the first game and scoreless on the second game. 
When we got home I made chicken and dumplings. That's the favorite for Rick and he wanted all the carbs possible before the race. The boys were in front of the fire pit. 
Rick laid out his gear for Sunday morning and we went to bed about 9, so we could get up o dark 30. 

SUNDAY: The Marathon. 47,000 runners and one million spectators
Tammy works downtown at 16 stories up from the runners. What a view!!!  We also had a warm place to spend time before meeting Rick at certain points in the run. Thank you Tammy. 
I have pictures but there were was a lot of interference with things sitting around the room. I hope you zoom into them and see the runners. 

Full view of the street and the bridges where the runners were headed. 
People watching
Lots of runners
Our first view of Rick. I love how he made his shirt, it was easier to see him. This is 2 miles into the race
There he goes
More runners coming in around from the other direction
This is the only time you're going to see bare Chicago streets. 
This is mile 10 

Now it was our turn to be on the move. We grabbed the red line train (The EL)  to China Town to meet up with Rick at the 20 mile mark. 

China Town
20 miles, yep, you can see it in his face and eyes. He's tired. 

Taken from the train. 
This is near the end

This is mile 25 and no stops which was smart. 
The rest of us had to do a long walk to the end which was an error on our part. 
When we finally met up. 
This is a picture Rick took at the starting line. People lined up  for a mile at least. 
Evan put "go Rick"  on his tummy which he showed near the end. 
Rick was 35000 out of 47000 and time 4.54 which was under what he wanted at 5 hours. Check out the center, it has 45 for the 45th year. 
We went to Lazy Dog for dinner, you can bring your dogs. What a great place with awesome food. The boys warmed their feet by a fire. 
When we got home this is crash time. Rick and Jack
Monday:  We got up early to get me to the airport. It was nothing like going to Chicago, it was noisy, lots of kids. There several that ran the race. They had maps in the luggage. I went to the restaurant to listen to the country singer while I waited for the flight. It was changed several times so had to stay on top of it. 

I'm tired and glad to be home. It was a fabulous week and I want to thank everyone for the fun time and the great meals. CONGRATS Rick for his 3rd time running the Chicago Marathon. 


Anonymous said...

Wow what a busy visit with your family and looks like everyone had a great time together.

Chrisy said...

Finally getting to these!! I love your blog! How fun to be able to see snapshots of your week like this.
The race looks awesome and I'm super impressed with Rick! I think he looks like you! Such fun you all had!!

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...