Saturday, January 28, 2023

Updates - Call from Florida - Hospice Christmas Party

 Shiloh, IL, (Hi 53  Lo 34)     Snow, tornadoes in the south 

There's a LOT of updates to share and a call from Bob Hope Village with even more details. I'm going over the moon!

Monday was my appointment with the doctor. She's all for the Hida Scan, for the gallbladder. 

What does a HIDA scan check for?
A HIDA scan is most often done to evaluate your gallbladder. It's also used to look at the bile-excreting function of your liver and to track the flow of bile from your liver into your small intestine. A HIDA scan is often used with X-ray and ultrasound.
I've already had the C-scan and ultrasound. If this doesn't pick up anything, I'll accept it to be something I'll live with, thank goodness it's not all the time. It's just my volcano gallbladder, dormant and exploding. I got the date to do the Hida scan which is February 2, next Thursday. It's about six hours altogether. All outpatient. Then the follow-up for the surgeon to tell me about the scan is on February 14. IF there's surgery I'll be having it in Florida. There's no time to have it here and recoup before moving. The doctor is going to work on getting a surgeon in Florida. It's all coming together. 
The other big update and news is a call from Bob Hope Village, the new home in Florida I'll be moving to. They needed to know if I'm bringing a car and arrival date. All the details to do when I get there. She gave me descriptions of the apartment, which has been upgraded with a washer and dryer in the apartment. She described where the windows are and there's one over the kitchen window. My dream is having a kitchen window. There's NOTHING at all that I find wrong with going there. I'd like to add, there's been questions about leaving family. We were never around once the kids were on their own, we were miltary and have moved a lot and then lived almost seven years in the RV fulltime. The boys have their own lives and I'm not worried about not seeing them. We'll get together once or twice a year like we always have in the past. I'm alone all the time, which scares me more then being away from them. Bob Hope Village has a plus 1, that you have help anytime and they even give you a medical help pendent. I'm signing up right away for the plus one, to help others get around and go to hospital or help in anyway I can. It's terroble being "alone" when you lose a mate.  You have to have friends once in awhile to help. The fun part?  There's black bears that roam around the area. lol I have many more details, but too much to put in a blog. I'm so looking forward to getting down there. 
On Tuesday, one of the hospice gals came over for a visit. I'm teaching her to crochet so she's going to come over when she can to get lessons. Tuesday night we had about three inches of snow. We had a big group of Geese by the ponds. They leave a lot of doodo on the paths and very noisy. They come in groups then leave all at the same time. Fun to watch them. 
Thursday I went to work at hospice (in the office). They had quite a bit for me to do. I also was invited to the Christmas party which was with most of the nurses and aids. The office people were there too. I didn't see the workers that helped me so much with Jim. The workers move to different area often and it was over a year ago. There was fabulous foods and we played a game plus white elephant gifts. It was a couple hours of fun. 

I had a few zoom calls on Friday to pass the day. I'm still packing but have kept the boxes open just in case I need something. I'm almost down to leaving the rest till the last week here. I have five weeks left. 


owensontheroad said...

Woohoo!! I know you will love it there, to have more people around to socialize with

Anonymous said...

Exciting times. Can't wait for our visit. Phyllis

Anonymous said...

Happy for you dee. Isolation is terrible at this age. You're gonna love it there. My little park model community has been a blessing. Safe travels. Kris

Tom and Deb said...

I have to say it, your excitement about your coming move jumps off the page. How wonderful for you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Will you be coming thru Tennessee on your way to Florida?? Jenny j

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...