Sunday, June 7, 2020


Auburndale, FL

It's my 72nd birthday the new 52. It's just a number, right? Sometimes I feel 52 something 102, just like anyone getting closer to the 80 mark. If anyone wants a really good laugh about age please check out Ray Ramano Right around the corner.
It's well worth the time to check out.

Today was LOBSTA day!  Our regular Boston Lobsterfest wasn't open yet, so we went to Orlando.

It's a huge restaurant and laid out totally different then the one in Kissimmee. The buffet was different, you couldn't pick up your own food like we usually do, it's served to you. I went straight to the lobster and buttered shrimp.

I didn't see the crab legs so asked the waitress if they had any. She went and got eight of them for me. I forgot to take a picture of them, but this is the size when I Jim went back for two more lobsters.

Then another two after that.
Total eight crab legs and six lobsters.

Also Jim got me a cute RV for my village.

I also now have a tablet for the outside camera. My birthday was excellent!  Just another year older.


Barb in FL said...

Boy that year went fast. Happy Birthday, Dee! Your dinner looks delicious.

Phyllis said...

All that seafood must have filled you for quite a while. NAH.

I like crab legs but have never been a lobster fan.

And a happy belated birthday.

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...