Sunday my sister Doris, came up to spend the day from Okeechobee. She brought Carley her dog. The dog loves Jim and you mention Jim's name and she goes crazy.
Carley and Doris

Carley makes a good pillow.

Carley has a stuffed toy she uses as a pacifier and goes to sleep. She's so cute.

She stayed the afternoon then headed home early evening. It was great being with her.
We're getting rain and some severe weather this time of year. A bolt of lightening struck pretty close but we're not sure where. We heard a snap then loud thunder, we both jumped. I'm glad we weren't outside. We've had a couple of storms this week. It's beginning of rainy season. Now the frogs will start coming out.
I finished the afghan for a neighbor. I made it bigger to fit a king bed. I think it turned out nice. It's bigger then the living room floor.

Now I've started a new hobby, jigsaw puzzles. I bought a couple over the past couple years with 1000 pieces. I can usually get them done in no time, but I'm out of practice. I love the contests they do over the country on who can put puzzles together the fastest. There's some big money for the winners.

This is 30 hours later all done. I usually can do them under 24 hours. I have another one, but will take my time with it. That will be in a future blog. I love this puzzle. It has everything about Florida.

We've had some animals in the back canal on OUR side this week. A big turtle came right up to the house stuck out his neck checked it over then went back in the canal to the others on the other side. There's several on the other side of the canal by the culvert.

This week we've had a baby bunny eat grass outside the kitchen window. I think he lives under the house. It seems to come out for something to eat several times a day.

Our resident alligators have been around all week. There's four of them but the smallest comes on our side once in awhile. I was worried about the bunny because the alligator was just a few feet from it. But I've never seen an alligator on land just staying in the canal catching fish. The bunny was just a foot from that step. If anyone gets close the alligators go in the culvert or under water, they never bother anyone.

I picked up grapes that are long, instead of round. They're sure good.

Another week for isolation, the governor is opening up the state next Monday.
1 comment:
I've never seen grapes like that.
You and your sister sure have the same hair color. I think my sister and I do too but she will never let anyone see hers has turned gray.
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