Saturday, February 15, 2020

Florida Symphony - Space

Auburndale, FL  (Hi 74  Lo 55)

Saturday we went to Florida Orchestra in St. Petersburg. We stopped for dinner near Brandon at the Shrimp Boat. We love finding new places and this one was exceptional. My foot doctor told us about the place along with several others. He gave us a list. We'll have to thank him next time we see him. He's been right twice on great places to eat and we still have more to go.

The orchestra played Bond movie songs. The conductor is from England so he did a lot of playing around with the crowd. The singer was Chloe Lowery. She sang a few of the songs. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

Great saxophone player.

Outside the hall

Full moon over the bay.

Sunday was a day of space. At 6:00pm the space station went over from west to east. It was clear so we got to see it go over the whole state. It was bright and very fast. We've seen it many times but usually in a short time frame, this was six minutes.  At 11:00 we saw the launch of the rocket going to the sun. It will take three years to get there.
Sunday was also Knockers bingo and we had 101 people playing which was a record number.
Monday was the monthly meeting at  hospice, it was also my one year anniversary. We learned more about life/death. The meetings are always informative. I'm working with the bereavement department doing computer entry for the camp coming up in March. They invite all kids that have lost a member of the family and teach them to cope with what's going on. It's very intense and  helps families. 

Tuesday I had my monthly massage and chiropractor appointment. The rest of the day I crocheted. I've been real busy getting orders done. 

Another tid bit, we went over 100,000 miles on the car, so now it's time for service and hopefully we can get another 100,000 out of it. 
Friday I went back to hospice. It was Valentine's day and they had a special luncheon for all the workers. I was the only volunteer so was invited to join them. There was a lot of food and I got to meet some of the staff I haven't seen. 

The pelicans were out on the lake by hospice. 
Now we have three alligators. The picture is a little blurry, they're across the canal from our window and they'll dive in the water if I get any closer. The new little baby is on the left, mom then teenager. 

The sunset of the week. 

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