Saturday, January 18, 2020

Wine Tasting and Tampa RV Show

Auburndale, FL (Hi 80 Lo 61)

Saturday was the annual wine tasting at the clubhouse. It's my favorite event. I was on a cruise before the cruise so Patti helped with the details. We had several that signed up but didn't attend.  We had a great time and lots of different wines. Everyone comes with a bottle or two of wine. Those from the north bring their home state wine. If there's a couple one sits at the table explaining wine and pouring a shot glass for a sample. The other person walks around socializing and taking samples. Then they trade places. There's some wonderful wines and several from Michigan that are really good. Thank you everyone that attended. See you next year.

Our RV'ing friends Lessie and Anna come every year to be with us. (Click on the picture to enlarge).

The second big event this week was the Tampa RV show. I went with Lessie and Ed on Thursday, thinking the crowds would be less. I would hate to go on Saturday it was very crowded.  We used to go about every year when we were searching for our RV then again when we traveled we got supplies that's hard to find. It opened at 10:00 and parking lots were filling up fast. I wanted to check Class C's, B+, and small MH's. I also wanted to see how they updated them. I noticed no more carpets, yeah!  I thought they'd have residential refrigerators but they didn't, only a couple of them. Just an update for readers that don't know us, we were in an RV for six and half years. We went to all 48 states and had a wonderful time.
People at the show.

Bagpipe players

This restaurant is in a tent and has a good variety of food so we stood in line for some lunch.

View while eating.

We walked six miles for the day in 84 degree weather. It's the first time in a long time it wasn't cold and rainy. In fact I can't remember having such a great day.

Our little alligator was outside our window most of the week. He doesn't bother anyone or anything.

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Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...