Friday, December 4, 2015

Back to Florida - Yag Laser For My Eye

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 74 Lo 63 -- Our trip to North Carolina over the Thanksgiving holiday is over and we had a great time with family. And we survived the actual trip! It's been at least six years that we've done a car trip of that distance, and also the first time we've left the RV for so long. It was rough Monday coming back on I-95. The holiday traffic was horrible! We would be going along at 70 miles per hour then come to a dead stop for several minutes. Google Maps notified us a couple of times of alternate routes that paralleled the interstate that saved us a lot of time, but overall it was a slow and stressful trip. We ended up stopping a couple of hours sooner than we planned because I was starting to feel ill. It wasn't anything serious, probably caused by the stress of the travel. I was fine by the next morning.

Tuesday I had an eye appointment for a Yag Laser treatment, which removed the film that formed behind the new lens following cataract surgery I had last March. It's not uncommon for this to happen after cataract surgery. The way it was described to me is like having a dual pane window that fogs up between the panes. There was no required preparation this time, so no eye drops, There were several people waiting for cataract surgery, and others for the same procedure I was having done. The prep room was like herding cattle to get branded. I go back next Tuesday to have my other eye done. I didn't do anything the rest of the day to allow my eye to recover from the dilation. I don't see any difference, but we'll see how my eye test comes out at the end of the month.

Wednesday was my monthly massage. Thursday was our first craft class of the season at the clubhouse. We had a great turnout and we made cards, by embroidery and iris folding. I love getting together with the gals and making things. Today (Friday), I went to our crochet get together. I need to learn a couple new stitches and like to chat with everyone. It's been a fun week, and the time flies by when I'm busy.

We'll post again in a week or so.


Meandering Maddi said...

Hope everything goes well with the eyes. Having the shutters installed at the house as I type. Will not have furniture until December 22. You guys take care!

Meandering Maddi said...

Hope everything goes well with the eyes. Having the shutters installed at the house as I type. Will not have furniture until December 22. You guys take care!

Dizzy-Dick said...

I, also, have had a film grow on the inside of my inserted lenses after cataract surgery. Had one burnt off and the doc wants to wait awhile for the second one. Nice to be able to see clear again, even if it is only in one eye.

Tom and Deb said...

I have been crocheting for 40+ years and just this past week I learned 2 new stiches I needed for a pattern I was making. I love crocheting it always seems to relax me. It must be nice to get together with others and compare notes.

Hope everything goes well with your eyes.

Celebrating the Dance

Phyllis said...

Yup, traveling around the Thanksgiving weekend can be stressful ANYWHERE on I-95.

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

Hope the eye treatment works. We are looking forward to leaving the motor home in Kings Bay and driving to Virginia Beach. Don't like the idea of being on I-95 but don't have a lot of choices. Sounds like you had fun with the ladies.

Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...