Thursday, April 9, 2015

Base Activities - Moved to Front Row (River View)

(Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, FL) Hi 83 Lo 63 -- Wednesday there was a lot of activity just down the road from us. There was more firefighting training going on, this time in a large structure meant to simulate the interior of a ship. There were around 50 students gathered in front of the structure, and I could hear the instructors giving out instructions on how to put on the air tank, mask and protective gear. They then went into the building to put out fires. I could only see smoke coming out from the top story.

Our military folks sure are an active bunch. We saw everything from golf frisbee to bocce ball being played in the fields around us.

Today we got to move to a site on the front row of the RV park, with a direct view of the river. It didn't take long to bring in the slides and hitch up, and the move was only about 200 feet.

We came from where the arrow is...

... to our new site.

This is the view from our awning.

We've been having some issues with our satellite signal going out periodically. Jim thought our coax cable was starting to wear out, so he bought a spool of cable at Home Depot, cut it some different lengths, and attached new connectors. We're hoping that will solve the problem.

The dredging project that's going on is very interesting. They're dredging the channel and the ship basin to make it deep enough for an aircraft carrier. The sand is moved on a barge from the ship basin out to the mouth of the river where it's sucked off the barge in a long pipe and deposited on the beach.

You can see the spray of sand to the left of the first trailer.

Bulldozers then spread the sand along the beach. So along with deepening the channel, they're also taking care of beach erosion that's been happening through the years.

This barge moves up and down the channel 4 or 5 times a day carrying sand to the beach area.

This afternoon we watched this Guided Missile Destroyer come into port. It sure is a beautiful sight!

We're sure enjoying our stay so far!


owensontheroad said...

Watching that activity is much better than TV anyway! :)

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

We always try to get the front row, easier to watch the ship traffic:)

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...