Monday, August 11, 2014

The Old Mission

(Cataldo, ID) Hi 99 Lo 63 -- We haven’t done a thing since we got here on Saturday, so today we drove about two miles to Coeur d’Alene’s Old Mission State Park. On the way we took a quick drive through Cataldo, and I do mean quick. The town (village?) consists of one restaurant and a few houses.

Then it was back west on I-90 one exit to the Old Mission.

2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (34)

It's amazing that a building built in 1853 is the oldest building in Idaho. In the northeast last summer and we saw buildings that dated to the 1600’s.  It took 200 years to settle Idaho enough to finally construct a building.

The Old Mission on the right, and the Parish House on the left.
2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (1)

The Mission was built by the Jesuits to minister to and convert the Coeur d'Alene indians to Christianity. It was built without nails or screws. It's held together by wood dowels that were hand-carved by the indians.

2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (51)

The Parish House was where the Jesuits lived and held meetings.

2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (36)

The inside of the Mission is beautiful.
2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (12)

The candle holders and some of the decorations were made from metal cut from tin cans.

The designs on the ceiling are starting to wear away, but they're still fairly visible. The blue color is from blueberries.

2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (15)

I loved the two old organs against the back wall.
2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (18)

The main study in the Parish House where the Jesuit leaders would conduct their business with merchants and the indians.

2014-08-11 Old Mission Cataldo ID (41)

There’s not much around this area and it was very hot, so we  returned to the RV to stay cool.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

IL Camper said...

Just down the road on I-90 from where you are at is the Trail of the Hiawatha bike trail. You might want to check it out. It's near Wallace, ID. Read about it on the forum. Looks like a place Glenda and I have to go to. Have fun. Be safe. Curt

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