Thursday, July 24, 2014

More Rain

(Seaside, OR) Hi 61 Lo 53 -- So this is what the Pacific Northwest is like. The sun was out for a minute or two then then it disappeared. We checked the radar and no rain. We started out the door and it started raining, then got darker. Since we were planning a drive down the coast we decided to sit it out another day and hope for sunnier skies tomorrow.

We did go out for lunch. Jim is always on the lookout for good hamburgers, and he read on Nick Russel's Blog about a local burger joint called The Relief Pitcher. We've never been steered wrong by Nick's reviews, and this was no exception. It was only about a half mile up the highway. I had a tuna taco and Jim had a pastrami cheeseburber. It's a half-pound cheeseburger with 4 ounces of pastrami on top. I loved my taco, and Jim said the burger was much better than average, but not as good as the best he's had. We love trying little local restaurants we find in our travels.

Another thing we like to do is try local foods. We stopped at a Safeway for some groceries and picked up some fresh rock fish. We bought some fresh halibut yesterday and I cooked it up for dinner last night. It was excellent! Let's just say we're doing some good eating.

We made it back home between rain showers, but the sun finally came out later in the afternoon. We're hoping to get out tomorrow.

See you then.


DreamCatcher said...

Sorry the weather isn't cooperating with your outing plans! I am not very patient with the rain during the summer months....i'd rather not have any! Enjoy tomorrow

owensontheroad said...

I really swear to you that last summer there was not one drop of rain up in Hebo :) Glad you're enjoying Seaside. We like local places to eat too.

Bob and Jo said...

Rain, rain go away.

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