Friday, June 13, 2014

Around Carson City, and the Sinful Side of Nevada

(Carson City, NV) Hi 73 Lo 52 – Our friends George and Linda gave us the “nickel” tour of Carson City today. We started out with a buffet lunch at the Fandango Casino. The video screen outside the casino says they’re the “Best Buffet in Town.” However, it’s the ONLY buffet in town, so that’s an easy claim to make. Smile  The buffet was very good, and we all ate way too much. Afterwards we donated some money to the casino management by playing the slots for a while. We mostly played video poker. George hit four of a kind about six times while playing right next to me, while my machine just gobbled up my nickels. Linda also managed to hit a $100 jackpot on a slot machine, while Dee played a few dollars just for entertainment value. To be honest, Dee and I managed to milk our small gambling budget for a couple of hours, so we did enjoy ourselves even though we didn’t win any big jackpots.

After our fun at the casino we went on our driving tour of Carson City and the surrounding area. It’s a very pretty city with a small town feel. It certainly doesn’t have the feel of a state Capitol. (Click on photos to enlarge them.)

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A few blocks from the Capitol building is the governor’s mansion.
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Some of the highway overpasses have some attractive metal artwork portraying the wild west mining history of this area.
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We continue to marvel at the beautiful scenery in this area. The mountains south of town still have some snow on them, but it’s slowly disappearing as the weather warms up.
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George took us by a neighborhood to show us this unusual private residence.
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That’s really an airplane sticking out the left end of the house.
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We don’t know the backstory of this, but I’ll bet it’s an interesting tale.

I know this is a family blog, but we can’t resist showing a few photos of something you won’t see in any other state. As many know, prostitution is legal in most of Nevada. It’s not unusual to come upon billboards advertising brothels when you travel through the state. George happened to know where a few “houses of ill repute” were located. (I’m sure his knowledge of this was purely from internet research.) Smile  For those of you who may be curious to know what a (legal and regulated) brothel looks like, here are a few within a few miles of Carson City.
There’s the Love Ranch Cathouse.

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Sagebrush Ranch.
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Red Light Gentlemen’s Club.
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The Kit Kat Ranch even offers RV parking!
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One of the more famous cathouses in Nevada is the Bunny Ranch. The road leading to it is an amusing adventure in itself. (Our apologies if anyone is offended, but these signs just made us giggle.)
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The Bunny Ranch is in a very nice building.
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And it has the big arrow with the red light on top, like many of the other places.
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The Bunny Ranch is pretty upscale, with a gift shop offering free “menus.” (No we didn’t go in.)
Well, that was interesting! George and Linda dropped us off at home and we chilled the rest of the evening. Yesterday I removed our satellite dish from the tripod due to the high winds. When we got home today I re-mounted it. We have our satellite TV back, so all is right in the world.

See you tomorrow!


Janice Williford Evans said...

We visited Carson City years ago. . .in February. . .it was sooo cold. . .the streets were icy, so we couldn't really do that much exploring. . .we simply must return!

Thanks for an enjoyable memory!

Dizzy-Dick said...

With all those "hot" places to visit, that place could never get cold. . .

Bob and Jo said...

If you ever hear the story on the plane by be sure and let us know

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