Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 68 Lo 52


We’re posting a day earlier than we normally do, but we have a big day planned tomorrow and may not have time to write the blog tomorrow night. We ended our previous blog with a line of storms approaching. The storms did some damage to an RV park north of us. We rocked most of the night and the next day (Thursday), but we had no damage except a palm tree was blown down in front of a  park model near us.

Thursday I went to craft class and learned how to make greeting cards using the art of quilling. It was my first time trying it. It’s very intricate, so my eyesight won't allow me to do it very much, but at least I have an idea of how it's done. The tool used to make the designs is lying beside the card in the photo below. It’s a small dowel with a needle with the eye cut off on the end. A very narrow strip of card stock is slipped into the groove at the end of the needle and twisted to make the designs. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)


We watched the Olympics all day and played cards with the group later in the evening.

This morning I went to crochet class and learned more kinds of stitches, and what types of yarns go with each other. We had a lot of fun and laughter with the group. If there’s anything I like the best about staying here in this park it's the crochet class. I came home and looked up more patterns for afghans for Project Linus.

This evening Jim took me out to dinner at the Jacaranda Hotel in Avon Park. Jim and Judy, and Lee and Rosemary joined us for their huge Valentines Day buffet. It was a great evening of good food and socializing with friends. And it was nice not having to cook. :-)

 Jim, Rosemary, Lee, Judy, Jim

The buffet was excellent

Three lines with people

People waiting in the lobby to be seated. 

Very pretty Valentine decorations

See you in three days.


owensontheroad said...

Nice evening out!

Jim and Sandie said...

Glad you made it through the storms okay. Nice way to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Speedy said...

food looks great! I am on a diet so buffets are out!! LOL

Bob and Jo said...

That looks like a buffet we need to try

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