Monday, October 21, 2013

Walk Around the Area

(Havelock, NC) Hi 69 Lo 53 -- It was a wonderful cool morning. Jim left to be with his mom for breakfast and visit awhile, so Judy and I took a walk down to a nearby river.
We were amused by this flock of birds on a pier. Talk about noisy!


Judy walking ahead to a picnic table.



It was fun watching birds dive for fish.

We walked to the end of the road past the RV park and found what used to be a marina.




A view of the RV park.

We sat outside till lunchtime, then went in to get some things done. I watched some TV shows while waiting for Jim to return. A few more RV’s came in today so I talked to a couple of them.

It was great to see more of the area.

Our son Rick is an amateur photographer, and recently took some beautiful photos of Chicago. Check them out at this link:

We're very proud of him.


Dizzy-Dick said...

That looks like a nice RV park you are at. Lots of stuff to see and places to walk. How's the fishing?

Gypsy said...

What beautiful pictures and what a gorgeous city! I think Chicago is world class, and Rick's pictures capture the essence of world class.

Janice Williford Evans said...

We find North Carolina to be just the most beautiful state. . .wow! Great camping spot. . .

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 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...