Friday, October 11, 2013

Fast Delivery -- Visiting

(Moncure, NC) Hi 61 Lo 57 -- Yesterday we had a call at 9am saying my replacement pair of glasses had arrived. The eye place ordered them at 1pm the day before and they came in from NY this morning. It was great to have that quick turnaround. We went today to get them, and they're perfect this time. The first pair was off on my distance prescription, and I couldn't see road signs, which was a problem.

I met with a good friend yesterday for lunch then went back to the RV,  picked up Jim and we went back to Cary for dinner at the home of our good friends Clara and Jim. Clara cooked a delicious meal, and we had a great time getting caught up on the past year's activities for all of us. Thank you Clara and Jim for a wonderful meal and great visit.

Today we said goodbye to Hank and Selene, who have been parked beside us this week. We've all been busy so we didn't visit a whole lot. They're going to be in South Carolina with us in three weeks, so we'll see them again soon.

This afternoon we went back in town to get Jim's glasses, then out to dinner with our Friday night friends. We see them every year, but it's always hard to say goodbye.

We have one more day in the area.

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