Friday, September 6, 2013

Vermont Covered Bridges

(Dummerston, VT) Hi 67 Lo 40 – It was cold last night, but we didn’t turn on the furnace. We just snuggled up with two blankets. Jim had the fireplace on this morning when I got up.

This morning we worked on getting our credit reports from I’ve been thinking about doing this for quite some time, but it's always a pain to go through the security questions they ask. I tried doing it by phone this time and was very easy, and my reports will be mailed in a couple weeks. Jim's got more patience than me and did his online. You're entitled to get a free report from each of the three credit reporting agencies once per year.

We weren’t sure what to see or do today. It warmed up enough to be a really nice day, so I looked up covered bridges in Vermont and found out there are a LOT of them.


We thought it would be neat to check out a few within driving distance of our park. But first we made a stop at a Walmart just across the river in New Hampshire for a few items we need. The bridge across the Connecticut River has an interesting pair of signs on it. Which one is correct? That would be very important if you're pulling a 13-foot high fifth wheel. :)

Many of the covered bridges are well over 100 years old. Here’s a few pictures.
2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (5)

2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (3)

This one was recently renovated.
2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (12)

2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (6)

This one is the longest covered bridge in Vermont, and is our new header photo for this blog.
2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (19)

2013-09-05 covered bridges vermont (28)

This one was open only for foot traffic.


This is totally unrelated to anything, but we were amazed at the huge size of this fly on the side mirror of my car. If I got out to shoo it away I'm sure it would have carried me away. Fortunately the wind blew him off.  (Click on photo to enlarge)

A bit of trivia we learned from a local about Vermont: 70% of the roads in Vermont are gravel.

When we got back to the park we noticed it's filling up. Another weekend of "campers." We can already smell the smoke and hear some yapping dogs.


Dizzy-Dick said...

Sure do love to see covered bridges. I got a kick out the speed limit sign. Horses at a walk, cars 10 mph.

Ruth said...

Not sure on that picture of the bridge with the two height signs because you don't show it, but was the bridge 2 lanes in that direction, if so then it is possible that the height is for each lane. Outside lane must be shorter because of the arch/angle of the bridge.

Love the covered bridges, they are so interesting.


Jim and Sandie said...

There is just something about covered bridges. They bring back memories of simpler times. 40 - I definitely would have turned the heat on.

Mike and Terri said...

Just love covered bridges!

Oh my -- what's the deal with that humongous fly! Holy cow!

Jim and Judy said...

You could do an entire calendar on covered bridges.

Gypsy said...

Thanks for posting pictures of so many covered bridges. Some day I will get back to Vermont.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to watch Bridges of Madison County again!:-)

Bob and Jo said...

Love covered bridges, thanks for the photos. Can't wait to get to Vermont.

Gotta like height signs.

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