Friday, June 7, 2013

It's MY Day

(Joliet, IL) Hi 70 Lo 51 -- It's cool here. We put another blanket on the bed last night. I slept in until 9:30 because it's my day. I'm 65 today. I think that classifies me as OLD.

This is our new view out or back window. We see little rabbits come out of the trees once in awhile.

It was a fabulous day, bright blue skies and a little wind. It was great for a walk to the hotel for our free continental breakfast, then a nice long walk around the perimeter of the casino parking lot. The whole loop is a little over a mile. We hope to walk it every day while we're here, weather permitting.

Here's the casino across the big parking lot. These were taken from the edge of the RV park up on a small hill.

I crocheted and read a lot of blogs, and we watched some recorded TV shows to catch up for the week. We watched some big motor homes arrive in the park today. It's fun to see how full it gets here for the weekends.

This evening we went to Red Lobster about 20 miles away in Orland Park to meet our son Rick and his wife Laura, who joined us for my birthday dinner. I've been having a lobster dinner on my birthday for the past 15 years, a tradition that hopefully I can continue for a very long time. I ordered clam chowder as an appetizer, and on my first spoonful I got a mouth full of paper. It appeared to be a label off of something. I was real nice about it to the waitress, who was very apologetic. A few minutes later the manager came out and also apologized, and then said my meal was free. I didn't expect that, but what a great birthday present!

We had a great visit with Rick and Laura. I'm bumming because I totally forgot to get their picture. I guess I was too excited about my lobster dinner. It's been a great birthday, but I'm not going to get any older from now on. This is enough.


Kevin Read said...

Happy Birthday Dee, glad you had a great day. As for being old, I go by the motto "you are old only if you think you are old" so I am never going to think of myself as old!

Nice bonus having a free meal!


TravelingLongdogs said...

Oh, Dee. These days 65 is not old! Glad you had a great birthday!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Happy Birthday! I am pretty sure that is not old,since I am older and still feel young:)

Gypsy said...

Happy birthday! You're not yet old at 65 - rethink it when you hit 70!

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

as far as being old, fella once told me having another birthday sure beats the alternative.
Working in a restaurant very glad to hear manager stepped up and did the right thing.
what no dessert?

Mike and Terri said...

Happy Birthday Dee!
Sounds like you had a great day, and you got a free lobster dinner too. Oh by the way, you're NOT old! :)

Gail Houle said...

You are definitely not old! That's a nice looking lobster. Glad they treated you right. Here's to many more lobsters in your future!

Karen and Al said...

Happy Birthday. I'm glad you got your lobster dinner and I think you should definitely have gotten it for free since you got an unwanted surprise.

Dave and Maxine- Wandering Wingers said...

Happy Birthday Dee! They say 60 is the new 30,so you are not old! Your only 35!! Nothing like a Lobster dinner for any occasion.

Jeff said...

Barbie Boldt says....
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a great one! Mine was on June 4 and it was low keyed since I don't like to celebrate them. Sounds like Red Lobster treated you very fairly!

owensontheroad said...

Happy birthday Dee!! You're not getting older, you're getting better :)

Bob and Jo said...

Happy Birthday Dee

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