Monday, May 27, 2013

Remember The Fallen

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 84 Lo 67 -- We would like to thank all military members and veterans for keeping our country free. There's a high price to pay for freedom, and today we remember those who paid the ultimate price of their lives. It's scary to think there's always talk of cutting the pay or the benefits for our military. We spent 26 years in the service we know it's not easy. Thank you!

Our morning was the usual coffee and computers. I also worked on my afghan, which is coming along faster than any of the projects I've done so far. We decided to make this a movie day. Storms were coming in later in the day so we went to an early movie. We weren't the only ones, the theater was almost full. We saw Fast and Furious 6. This was my choice. I love movies that have a lot of action and fast cars. I've seen a couple of romances lately, so it was time for some action, and that's what I got. It was really over the top as far as stretching credibility, but we just went with the flow and really enjoyed it. It's amazing what they're doing in movies as far as special effects.

The skies were dark and storms were coming in when we left the theater. We went to Red Robin for some lunch/dinner (linner) just before it started pouring rain. It was a quick shower, but when we left for home it started storming just as we got to  the RV park. We sat in the car a few minutes till it slacked up some, then got in and settled in time for Jim to see the end of the Cardinals game. We noticed the teams are wearing uniforms with camouflage designs for Memorial Day. They looked pretty cool.

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