Monday, May 13, 2013

Four Generations of Our Family

(Edwardsville, IL)  Hi 75 Lo 39 – We hung around the RV all day until it was time to go to Frank and Angie’s for dinner and more “grand kid” time. We got there around 3:30, just in time for Kyle and Kendall to get home from school. Dee played baseball with them in the backyard, but their game was interrupted several times by Banjo stealing the ball after it was batted. Great Grandma (Dee’s mom) and I had fun watching them while Frank grilled some brats on the deck. At the same time a pork roast was baking in the oven. Add some baked beans, potato salad, and chips and we had a great dinner.

After dinner Jim, Kendall, Great Grandma, Kendall, and Frank chilled in the living room.
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This was one of the few times we had four generations of our family together in one place. great grandma Vena, grandma Dee, Son Frank, and grand sons Kendall and Kyle.
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The boys really took to their great grandma. They sat and listened intently as she told them stories of the “old days.” They couldn't believe there were no TV's when she was their age.
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Dee and I with “Our Boy.”
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Family time… there’s nothing like it! We left about 7:30 for home. (Frank goes to bed early so he can get up at 4am for work.) The rest of the evening Dee and her mom sorted through some craft stuff they plan to work on this week, while I watched the Cardinals baseball game.


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Four generations together is pretty cool:)

Donna W. said...

Wow you are really blessed to have all 4 together at the same time. today it always seems like everyone is on a different schedule. So great...Enjoy your time here.

Donna W. said...

just read and your sis could be twins.

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