Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Family Time

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 85 Lo 65 -- Our son Frank, who gets off work at 11am, stopped by on his way home for a visit. We had some lunch, then watched some recorded TV shows and just enjoyed spending time with him. Later in the evening we went to watch our grandson Kendall's little league game. Tonight he was the starting pitcher.

After the game as the boys were gathering up their equipment a deer came out of the woods into the outfield. He looked around for a moment, then hopped back into the woods. He was too quick for us to get a picture of him.

We're down to our last week here, so we have to take advantage of our remaining family time. The boys asked if they could spend another night with us, so we definitely plan to make that happen. We also hope to have another movie day before we leave, and we plan to visit my sister and mom one more time. Busy, busy!

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