Sunday, September 23, 2012

Last Day in Louisiana

(Abbeville, LA)  Hi 91 Lo 69 – This is our last day in Louisiana as we'll be away from Betty’s web in the morning. We’ll be back, we've had a great time.

I did something for the first time today. I dumped the tanks. I’ve been wanting to learn how to do it for awhile and decided today was the day. Jim walked me through the routine and had me do everything. I did really well, but I can understand why it’s not liked. Now I know that if I have to I can pull the rig somewhere else and dump the tanks. I still need to get a better handle on the Big Foot leveling system and I’ll always need help in the hitching, but I’m feeling better about knowing how to handle the rest. It’s a good feeling.

We both did a lot of computer work today. I’m still trying to clean things up from the hacking that happened this week to my Yahoo account. I’m going through all my Yahoo emails and saving the ones I want to keep before closing out the account.

While Jim watched football I drove to downtown Abbeville to see an old cemetery that's beside a large Catholic church.





In this part of the country they inter the dead in crypts above the ground rather than bury them in the ground. It's because of the high water table in these parts. There were some very old graves and they're very close together.

Across the street is some sugar cane storage containers.

I also found the old train depot. It was closed today, but sure was neat.

We’ll be back to this area, there’s still things to see and do. And Betty just makes us feel so at home. We’ll say our goodbye’s to Betty and the rest of the “family” tomorrow morning. It will be hard to leave, but we’ve made new friends and I’m sure our paths will cross again, even if it’s right back here at Betty’s.


Betty Bernard said...

It's been a fun week with you both and it was great meeting you and enjoying life! Come back soon...Betty

Kevin Read said...

We love old churches. The architecture is always so different everywhere you go. We have definitely seen some amazing ones this past summer. This looks very nice. Did you get to see what the inside of it looked like?

Kevin and Ruth

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