Sunday, August 12, 2012

Old Colorado City

(AF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO) Hi 83 Lo 53 --  Ed and Marilyn invited us to meet them for brunch and we accepted. We wanted to have one last look at Old Colorado City, so we met them there to spend some time with them and look around the town.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (38)

2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (17)

Interestingly, Old Colorado City (formerly Colorado City) was the original territorial capital of Colorado. However, during the first meeting of the territorial legislature in 1862, the cabin they met in was deemed too small so they agreed to meet in Denver for the next meeting five days later. And Denver has been the capital ever since.

We ate at Jorge’s Mexican Restaurant. It was a great breakfast for us and lunch for them. After good food and conversation we walked a block to Bancroft Park where a Founder's Day Festival was going on. We got there in time to see some Civil War re-enactors give a shooting demonstration.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (12)

The women were nearby watching in period dress.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (7)

I'm pretty sure they didn't have cameras like this during the Civil War. :)
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (9)

We walked around the vendors area for awhile. The birdhouses were so neat. There were a lot of craft tables.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (14)

I really like these little boxes. The only problem is there’s no room to store them or show them in an RV. When you travel full time you have to drastically cut down on decorative things like this. It's one of the sacrifices you make in this lifestyle.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (15)

These double hammocks are a great idea.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (16)

We went into the Michael Garman Museum. We have never heard of the artist Michael Garman. He does some amazing sculptures!
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (28)

The details in his sculptures are incredible. Along with small sculptures, he makes complete rooms, houses, and even cities. Some of his designs even have holograms that look just like someone standing there talking to you. Be sure to click on the pictures to make them larger to see the details.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (19)

2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (23)

Check the eggs and bacon in the little pan. The refrigerator brings back memories.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (20)

This one is a tribute to 9/11.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (26)

Jim could relate to this one. The good old days, reading the paper in front of the TV. (Just replace the paper with a laptop and it would be right up to date.) :)
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (25)

We walked around some other shops. There’s something for everyone. After a while the guys sat on a bench while Marilyn and I checked out more stores.

Ed and Marilyn spend their winters in Texas. Marilyn was saying how Mexico has such brightly colored decorations. They go across the border a couple times a week when they’re in Texas, and when she saw this store she said it looked just like the shops they visit south of the border.
2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (37)

2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (35)

2012-8-12 Old Colo City, CO (34)

We finally shared farewell hugs and said goodbye’s for now. We’ll see them again. We go to Missouri every spring and they do too. So I’m sure we’ll catch up with them again next year.

Thank you Marilyn and Ed for a great day. See you soon.

On the way home I got gas at a car wash. I couldn't tell what color my car was because it was so dirty. Now it's clean to travel in tomorrow. At least I can see out the windows.

Jim recorded the NASCAR race so when we got home we watched it without commercials. Jim then dumped and back-flushed the tanks to get ready for a quick departure tomorrow morning. We have about a four hour trip tomorrow to a new state. Stay tuned.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Love all those colourful pots. Wish I could have some for my yard. Looks like a town I would have loved. Both of us like 'old towns'. There was a nice one in Las Cruces and Albuquerque.

Unknown said...

I love the sculptures! Amazing work. Thanks for the fun pictures.

Gin and Syl said...

It's nice to visit with RV friends cause you know that you'll see each other down the road.
A four hour drive is about all we like doing at one time also.

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