Saturday, June 16, 2012

Taking a Break

(Offutt AFB [Bellevue], NE) Hi 75 Lo 62 -- We didn't have anything planned today, and since the day started with a rainstorm this morning we decided to take a break and stay in. We haven't seen much rain lately, and I was tempted to go out in the rain and wash the car since most parks don't allow washing of RV's or vehicles. That's on our list of things to do this week, get the car washed.

I'm so far behind on blogs that I was thankful for the down day. I read blogs as other people read books, I learn a lot and find out where people are located. I guess I'm nosey because I don't want to miss anything, and we get a lot of good ideas on things to do in different parts of the country. One thing that I notice on a lot of blogs is they talk about where they are, but they don't list the state they're in. I sometimes read about an interesting place to visit, but I have to guess what state they're in.

A couple more RV's came into the park today. It's now full on our side. I talked to a couple who have been full timing for two years and are here to see family. They stayed in southern Texas last year, but it was too cold so they're looking to go farther south this year. They want to get together before we leave to get some information about Florida.

Tomorrow, like most Sundays, will be another day to stay in. I may do a little interior cleaning of Tumbleweed. It's been while since I've done a good cleaning. I usually do it when Jim's out, so maybe I can get him to take a long walk tomorrow. :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the good reminder to always be clear in a blog as to what state we are writing from or about. I'm not sure I have always done it, but I am learning as I go and I'll try to be more diligent with this.

Gypsy said...

I always have trouble keeping up with the blog reading while I'm traveling.

If you haven't been to Montana please add it to your must-see places. I love Helena, the capital, but the entire state is beautiful, I think. And I try to travel mostly on the US highways - not much traffic and plenty of things to do and see and places to stay. Of course you will always have road construction in summer no matter which road you travel.

cathie said...

I agree with your comment about posting where people are writing their blog. If at the heading they just put City, State it would be so helpful. I know they know where they are, but as you stated, I read so many blogs it is hard to keep them straight.

Debbie said...

I thought I was the only one that read blogs like most folks read books! I read so many that I am very seldom caught up (as you can tell from the timing of this comment!). I am still wo**ing and have a little over 2 more years before we can hit the road and I travel vicariously through the blogs. I've been reading yours since way before you hit the road. Maybe we will meet some day! I enjoy your blog, keep on writing!!

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