Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Day for Massage and Lobster

(Joliet, IL) Hi 81 Lo 45 -- It's my birthday, so I guess I could do anything I wanted to do, as if that's not a normal day. :)

We had visitors this morning. Rick and Phyllis, who live in this area, knocked on our door around 11am. Rick has been part of the RV-Dreams chatroom since 2007. We try to meet them whenever we're in the area. Thanks Rick and Phyllis for stopping by.

I had an appointment at 1pm for a massage. We got a half-price coupon for it through Living Social. This gal wasn't as good as some I've had, but it was nice to get such a good deal, and it was only about 14 miles away (or as they say in Chicago, "about 20 minutes away"). I had a headache and she found the source, so that's gone.

The best part of the day was tonight's dinner. Our son joined us at the Red Lobster in Orland Park. I've been treating myself to a lobster dinner on my birthday for the last 13 years. I'm getting good at knowing when a lobster is cooked right. And this one was excellent!

Rick had to drop his car off at the dealer to have some work done, so we took him home after dinner. We then came back to the RV and I jumped into the chatroom for my birthday party. It's fun having a "pretend" party online with everyone. It was a wonderful day, and now I'm a year older.


Russ Krecklow said...

A very Happy Birthday to you, Dee. Glad you enjoyed that lobster, and had a fine day.

Mike and Terri said...

Happy Birthday Dee!!!
I thought today would be lobster day!
Hope you had a great day.

TravelingLongdogs said...

Happy Birthday, sounds like it was wonderful!

Paul and Mary said...

Happy Birthday!

Betty Graffis said...

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(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥
Happy birthday!!

owensontheroad said...

Happy birthday! You look mahvelous!!

KarenInTheWoods said...

Glad you had a wonderful day!!! and here's to many many many more of them!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Kevin Read said...

Happy Birthday Dee! Sounds like you had a great day.

Kevin and Ruth

Dan and Gail said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! Love that lobster.

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Glad you had such a lovely birthday and to have Rick at your birthday dinner too was a treat!

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy Birthday. Now if only we didn't get a year older on each of those birthdays. Sounds like a great day. I could use a massage also. Thanks for the reminder.

Unknown said...

You have a fun yearly tradition for your special day. Many more for you I hope!

Chuck-Kathy said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Dee.

Anonymous said...

happy bday Dee... and mmmmmm lobster...

Speedy said...

You look happy with that Lobster! I bet it was some fine eaten...

Mom W said...

Happy Birthday Dee.You sure know to celebrate a Birthday.You and Jim are the happiest couple I know and that makes me happy.Stay safe.Ilove ya'll

Eileen said...

Happy Belated Birthday Dee!

Sorry I missed the chat party!!

Kathleen said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Love the lobster tradition -- might start that myself!

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