Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Last Night in Hastings

(Hastings, NE) Hi 95 Lo 69 -- If we have a sewer connection at our site Jim usually doesn't hook up the hose until we need to dump. He wanted to get our tanks emptied before tomorrow's trip, so he went out at mid-morning to hook up our hose. The sewer inlet at our site is a long way from the outlet on our rig, so Jim had to connect an extension on our hose. Even with the extra length it barely stretched long enough. In fact, it was stretched so tight that when he pulled the handle to release the black tank the pressure blew the connection off and the brown stuff started pouring onto the ground. He quickly pushed in the handle and stopped the flow, but not before there was a mess on the ground. He sprayed down the area as best he could, but the aroma hung around for a little while. He cleaned the hose out and put it away. Tomorrow just before we pull out we'll move forward about 15 feet and take care of the tanks then. That kind of accident happens occasionally to all RV'ers. Fortunately Jim isn't too bothered by icky stuff so he handles it well.

It was so hot today that we stayed in and visited with Mike and Terri all afternoon.  We watched some TV shows and tried to solve the world's problems, so to speak.
It's been a wonderful few days with our good friends. We'll see them again this fall. Thanks for such a great time guys. And Terri, hurry up and get that arm healed so you guys can get back on the road!

Tomorrow we're on the move again.


Mike and Terri said...

It's been a great few days with you two. Thanks for stopping in and spending some time with us. Thanks also for driving us around everywhere. Take care and we'll see you in the Fall, if not before!

Jim and Sandie said...

You sure got that right - that black stuff issue happens to all of us at one time or another. I let my Jim handle it also.

Gail Houle said...

Haha! Your tank/sewer hose story reminded me of the movie RV :)
See you all soon.

Paul and Mary said...

We have a rule at our house: We don't blog about those sorts of things! Safe travels tomorrow!

Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...