Monday, June 18, 2012

Checking Out Our Surroundings

(Offutt AFB, NE) Hi 94 Lo 77 -- The Offutt AFB Famcamp is actually outside the base, to the east and about a mile and a half from the nearest gate. I thought I'd share a few more photos of the park.

Once or twice a year military units will close up their offices for the day and have a unit morale function, usually a picnic. This is usually done on a Friday. There's a really nice picnic area just outside our campground, and when we came in Friday this whole area was packed.

Boat house and pavillon. This is where we registered when we arrived.

Base Lake, just behind our RV.

We didn't linger long over our computers and coffee this morning. Jim needed to get his truck to a tire shop to get his leaking tire repaired. The pressure pro tire monitoring system alerted us to the leak about 50 miles from the end of our trip here on Friday. I followed him to the shop and he left his truck so they could take their time. We then went to drive around Offutt AFB. We wanted to get a couple things at the base exchange, and while there I got my hair cut. We drove around the base. It's a pretty famous base, being the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command in the Cold War days.

The town outside the base is Bellevue. We did a little driving tour around town and then, based on a tip from one of our readers (thanks Karen), decided to have lunch at Stella's Bar & Grill. They're famous for their burgers... hand made, big, and juicy.

Jim got a cheeseburger, with the addition of a fried egg on top (as recommended by the waitress). He loved it! He said (and I quote), "It's messy and greasy, and very tasty!" He also said the fries are really good. A guy at the table next to us got the double burger. I asked to take a picture of it.

They also have the "Stellanator," which has six 6 1/2 ounce patties, 6 large eggs, grilled onions, 8 pieces of cheese, 14 pieces of bacon, peanut butter (!), jalapenos and veggies. Out of 197 people who have tried to down it, only 6 have succeeded. Yikes!

We went to the nearby town of La Vista to a Hobby Lobby. I have a treasured little knick knack that has a small clock that broke, and I've been looking for a replacement that will fit. I didn't find an exact replacement, but I found one that I think I can adapt to it. By then the truck was ready so we went back to Bellevue to pick it up. The tire problem ended up being a bad valve stem. It was a quick and cheap fix. 

We went back to the RV and stayed in the AC for the rest of the afternoon. When the temperature gets into the 90's our main air conditioner barely does the job of keeping us cool, so we turned on the bedroom unit for a couple of hours and it really made a difference. We're so glad we got that option when we ordered our home. It's going to be around 95 again tomorrow, so we're waiting to see what we want to do.


Jim and Sandie said...

I love burgers, but that Stellanator doesn't sound good at all. I definitely would not be number 198 to try it. Glad the tire problem was easy to fix. Stay cool.

Unknown said...

I don't exactly know why, but I like seeing pictures of food on blogs once in a while. Maybe because I like to eat, and we all do it every day. It's really such a big part of our lives and travels, isn't it?

Mike and Terri said...

Glad the tire fix was simple and a cheap fix.

Stella's sounds like a good place to eat... but what did you have Dee?

RV Khronicles of Kevelyn said...

I had dinner with my son at a small cafe in Minnesota last week. He loves their burger with a fried egg and peanut butter on it. I didn't try it. Didn't sound good to me.

John and Carol said...

Looks like a nice AFB famcamp. Thanks for posting the pictures. Enjoy your stay. The hamburger looks amazing.

The Berrys RV Travels said...

I love burges and the one you got the pic's of would be fine with me. Glad the tire was a simple fix ' its good when there like that. An that" stellanater " might have to try it. Enjoy life!

Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...