Saturday, October 15, 2011

(Another) Day at Mom's Apartment

(NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC)  Hi 76 Lo 55 -- We're both dragging.

We spent the entire day at mom's apartment. All the closets are sorted and the storage room down the hall is cleared out. I went through all the clothes and shoes, and we've separated everything out for open house sale on Thursday. Jim took out bags of paper stuff to the dumpster, and we're now ready to tackle sorting out her craft (card making) supplies. We finally feel like we're getting things accomplished... the apartment is starting to look emptier and a little less cluttered.

Mom called a couple of times. It looks like she's going to have quite an adjustment period. Until her back heals she can't bend down to reach stuff that's lower than her waist. So today we went by Lowe's and bought her a "Grabber," one of those long things you squeeze at one end and pick things up with the other. Mom should like that. We also have to figure out a solution to her bathroom storage problem (the problem being there is no storage). We're checking different storage cabinets and shelves at Wal-Mart and Lowe's. She loves the meals and said she got lost wandering around the building. She's meeting some of the other residents and they're being very helpful. It's quiet on weekends, just like it was in her apartment building. I'm wondering where people go or what they do. I guess a lot of them leave with families on the weekends. I'm hoping she'll be OK until we come back in April.

We came home about 4:30 and didn't have too much trouble with the fair traffic. Jim took a nap and I got caught up on "Words With Friends" and did some photo sorting. I just can't take naps like a lot of people do. This evening we'll watch the NASCAR race from Charlotte. We've been to that race several times and consider Charlotte our "home" track.

We have fireworks at the NC State fairgrounds (Raleigh) nightly and tonight Jim decided to show me at the computer while they're going on. We have a great view of them going off from the NC State Stadium.

1 comment:

michael ultra said...

I know this is hard because I had to do the same thing. I all works out, I promise.

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