Saturday, September 3, 2011

Field Hockey Game - Rick's Birthday Celebration

(Joliet, IL) Hi 90 Lo 65 hot and humid -- This should be the last hot and humid day for a while. It's supposed to cool down tomorrow. We got up early but at least the sun was up. A full day was planned and we had to get to Rick's by 9:00. The traffic was very light, so it was a quick trip. We joined Rick, Laura, and grandson Jack and headed to a suburb north of Chicago to watch a field hockey game between Homewood-Flossmoor High and Highland Park High. Our step-granddaughter Ellice is a forward on the Homewood-Flossmoor team. She's a senior this year, and she's a very good field hockey player and is trying to get an athletic scholarship for college next year. We made it to the Grant High stadium just as the girls were going on the field. This was my first time seeing a field hockey game and it's very exciting to watch. It's fast moving and has lots of action.

Ellice in action.

It was a tight game until a couple of minutes before the end when Highland Park scored a goal and won 1-0. Ellice is a really good stick handler and it was really fun watching her in action.

Good job Ellice!

We picked up some subs and took them back to Rick and Laura's house for lunch. I went clothes shopping with Ellice and Laura, then grocery shopping for a special meal for Rick. We got home and brought the groceries in the house just before a storm hit. We got the line of thunderstorms that caused them to stop two big college football games today, at Notre Dame and University of Michigan. (They finished the Notre Dame game but the Michigan game was called off in the 3rd quarter for the first time in history.)

I used to make chicken & dumplings for the kids when they were growing up, and that's what Rick wanted for dinner tonight. It's been quite some time since I've made it, but it turned out wonderful! I'm so glad I didn't lose my touch.

Rick's birthday is next weekend, but we won't be here so we had our celebration with him tonight while the whole family was together. Rick is a serious photography buff. He's always wanted a "white lens" for his Canon camera. White lens is the nickname for the highest quality line of Canon lenses (the L series). We found a beverage mug online that's a replica of the exact model lens that he wants. We gave that to him, and  we all enjoyed the joke... "Now you have a white lens!" Then Laura gave him his gift from her and the kids... a REAL white lens. He was one surprised and happy guy!
The replica lens beverage mug we got him. He looks happy doesn't he? Little did he know...
He just opened the gift from his family. That look on his face is precious... he knows by the shape and weight that it's the REAL thing. He's looking at Laura.
Here's the lens mounted on his camera. I think he's very happy!
For the record it's a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS lens. This is according to Jim, who knows about this stuff. (He was drooling the whole time.)

Happy birthday, son!
It was a great day with our family, and it went by way too fast. We got home late. Jim watched the end of a college football game on TV and I tried to catch up on games and posts on Facebook. We have another active day tomorrow, just not as early.


GGuncle said...

is the camera that your son has, a film camera or does it take pictures on those little cards. i didn't realize your jim was into cameras so much. the next time youse are up my way, if jim is interested i might just have to give him an early gift. i have pentex camera outfit, with- vivitar 80-200 zoom;a promatic tcl 2450 thyristor flash unit, a lot of cokin filters and lenses;a quantaray 52mm lens; promaster spectrum 7 auto tele converter mc 2x; timer for shutter; remote plunger for shutter, quik-shoe release for camera, 49mm (uv) lens also wired adapters to put flash attachments at a short remote from camera, (i used to be a camera nut)
its all here in two camera cases just waiting for the right person to give it all a new home. like i said -a gift to jim ,if he wants it. dom

Margie and Roger said...

What a fun joke to play on your son! He sure looks happy with the real lens.

squawmama said...

Looks like it was a great day for everyone especially Rick... GREAT gifts!!!
Have fun & Travel safe

Jim and Sandie said...

That is one honkin' serious camera lens. I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it but I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures taken by it.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

What? That camera lens didn't come with a set of wheels?

The poor lad is going to hurt himself trying to lug that lens around! ;c)

Leno said...

How lucky to spend some quality time with family.
The field hockey game brought back memories. My niece was a great player and we used to follow her games in high school.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...