Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NOT AGAIN!!! --- Traffic Jam

(Joliet, IL) Hi 90 Lo 70 -- Great night last night, the A/C stayed on all night. But around 9:00am this morning the power went off again. We called the front desk and the guy came out and found the plug on the pedestal was bad. He changed that out and we were fine till about 4:00 this afternoon when it went out again. The breaker at the main panel tripped. I was in the middle of cooking dinner to take to our son's. By this time the park is almost full so the power demand was pretty high (92 degrees doesn't help). There's very few empty sites left, but it's still  only a few sites that are having trouble. The guy next to us came over and he can't use his A/C without the breakers in his rig tripping. His problem is in his rig; ours is fine in the rig, it's the park power that's going out. The electrician showed up right before we left for the evening. He said they'll be working on the breaker box tomorrow; it seems only this section of the park is having problems. When we got back from our son's around 10pm our power was still on (we left the A/C off). It's cooled down now, so we'll leave the A/C off all night and hope for the best tomorrow. The park already comped (reimbursed) us for three nights, which we think is very fair. But that was before our problems today, so we'll see...

We didn't do much today except make a grocery run to a local supermarket called Jewel Osco. We haven't seen that store except here in Chicago. The prices aren't too bad. I've gained six pounds since we were in Indiana for a week (all that Amish cooking!). We're back to watching what we eat and how much, plus more walking. It's supposed to be cooler the rest of the week, thank goodness.

We went to our son Rick's for dinner. I made a Mexican dish, so when Rick's wife Laura got home from work we were there with dinner ready. Rick had been home all day with a cold. We didn't stay long, and on the way back home there was a traffic jam that held us up an hour. They work on the roads after working hours around here, so the back up was miles long. We finally got home at 10:00.  It's supposed to be only 40 minutes, but it took an hour and half.

The A/C will be off tonight, but we should have power all night to handle our noise machine to drown out the truck backup beeps. I can say it's been interesting staying in the park, but we're doing ok and learning as we go.


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Aggravating situation. Your house has wheels, maybe you should just move.

squawmama said...

Nothing worst the BAD electric!!!
Stay Safe

Mike and Terri said...

You guys are keeping a good attitude about the electricity problems. Hopefully everything has been worked out now.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...