Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene

(Joliet, IL) -- Hi 83 Lo 63  Perfect day.  We had a great night's sleep. With the cool air going through the bedroom windows and the noise maker on, plus being really tired, we slept very well. We kept the A/C off overnight and today was so nice we just left the windows open and let the fresh air go through the RV. In late afternoon we started heating up, so we turned on the A/C for the rest of the evening.  Our rig has the new style "frameless" windows, which means they open out from the bottom. That means air doesn't flow in and out of the windows as much as the normal style windows that slide up and down. Also, the windows on the ends of our slides don't open at all, which really limits cross flow of air. Someday we may change those two windows from the frameless style to regular windows so we can open them.

We stayed glued to the Weather Channel on TV today, watching the progress of Hurricane Irene. We have family living in Morehead City, North Carolina, and it looks like they may be in the direct path of Irene. We made  a couple calls to them today. Most of them will gather with each other and stay put. Jim's sister and her boyfriend Jim live right on the water, so they plan to take Jim's motorhome and move inland. (Their place on the water is where we stayed for a while in their yard this past spring.) We wish all of them the best.

My laptop has been running really slow ever since we upgraded the OS to Windows 7. Jim suspected it needed more memory, so he took the RAM chip out of our backup laptop (which is the same brand and model as mine) and added it to the one already in mine. It has made a world of difference. Now I don't have to wait several minutes for a screen to come up when I have my browser, two chats, and Games With Friends all up and running at the same time.  :)  Thank you, Honey! Speaking of Words with Friends, I played with family and friends and that took up a huge part of the day. Jim did the laundry to get that out of the way for the week. He also took care of an amusing situation. We recently ordered two E-Z Pass sensors to put on our car and truck windshields so we don't have to stop to pay tolls. The sensors were mailed to our son's address and we picked them up last night. When we got home Jim checked our account at the E-Z Pass website and discovered there were already six tolls listed as being paid by one of the sensors. Jim called E-Z Pass customer service this morning and found out that apparently the delivery truck travelled on a lot of toll roads on his way to Illinois and the sensor picked up the signals inside the package. The customer service rep was kind enough to remove the charges, and we had a good laugh about it.

We met a couple RV'ers, Phyllis and Rick, for dinner at Merichkas, a local restaurant in Joliet.  We last saw them a year ago when we were in this area. We had a great visit, and it was good to see them again. Thanks for looking us up, guys!  

We'll be with our son the next couple days. We'll see what we can get into.


Travels with Emma said...

Is words with friends a game?

Rick and Elaine NB said...

I pray for the safety of your family members...enjoy your son :) For whom the ezpass tolls :)

GGuncle said...

i'll also keep your families in my prayers. Well , i'm back to owning a truck again. i'll email you. happy trails to you both. Didnt dale &roy have a song about that? dom

squawmama said...

Glad you're enjoying time with your son... and I hope all goes well for your family and Irene doesn't touch them. What a funny story about your EZ Pass...
Have fun & Travel safe

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...