Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting Things Done

(Millersburg, IN) Hi 85 Lo 56 -- We didn't do much all morning, but we did want to get the little stone chip in my windshield fixed. So after lunch we went to Glass Doctor in Goshen to see what they could do. They wouldn't do anything without an appointment, so it's not getting done before we leave here. Oh well, it's ok for now. We'll try to get it done when we get back to Joliet next week.

One of our neighbors turned Jim on to a neat little electric meter called "Kill a Watt." It has a small LCD screen and you plug the unit into a wall socket. It tells you digitally how many volts are coming into the unit, and if you plug an appliance into it you can see how many watts or amps are used. We stopped at a Menard's and found it for $14.95. We have the small analog unit we bought at Camping World, but it was almost $20.00 and it only measures incoming voltage. (And it's sometimes off by as much as 5 volts.) This new one gives you a digital readout to a tenth of a volt. Pretty slick! While we were there we looked around a bit. What a huge store! It's like a Lowe's or Home Depot, only bigger. We don't have Menard's stores down South.

We have to watch for buggies and Amish folks on bikes or wagons while driving. There's also a lot of farm equipment around too. The cutest thing we've seen is baby colts. This pony decided the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.

It's been fun talking to all our neighbors who have the same brand of RV as us. We've picked up a lot of tips on how to handle things when they go wrong. One couple have a Royals International, which is the top of the line Carriage, and one of the most luxurious units you can buy. They've had problems just like the rest of us, and it's not surprising when you consider the Royals are built on the same assembly line as the Cameos and Carri-Lites. All of that, along with the factory tours, has made this a very informative week. 

We're getting the RV ready for them to come hitch it up and take it to the shop tomorrow morning at 7am. I guess it's going to be one of those mornings I'll be getting up really early. We plan to go to my nephew's up in Niles, Michigan for the day. 


Tom and Marci said...

We love Menard's . . . don't have them here in Ann Arbor yet, either . . . but within an hour in a couple different directions.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Menard's store are great. You never know what you will find. One can spend and hour just wandering around before getting serious about what you went in for. The one I go to has the usual hardware & building type things, but also cleaning supplies, housewares, greeting cards, some books & magazines and even groceries. Crazy! LOL

Alberta said...

You should get that stone nick fixed as soon as possible.I had one and it wasn't long before it cracked across the windshield.Thought I should tell you cause I've experienced it. love ya

squawmama said...

We rode around with a ding in oour windshield for 6 months once and nothing happened but you never know. Great info on the voltmeter thanks for the info!
Have fun & Travel safe

KarenInTheWoods said...

Oh glad you are getting the windshield fixed!

Yes, Steveio loves his Menards! Sometimes they have rebate deals where they send you a gift card.. for ... you guessed it... more Menards stuff! LOL

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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