Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Day Flew By - More New Friends

(Millersburg, IN) Hi 77 Lo 65 - Perfect Day.... We love these perfect weather days, there doesn't seem to be enough of the during the year. Another day of not doing much. It was time for a computer cleanup, so I ran a virus scan and also a defrag on my laptop. I also deleted 2,000 pictures that I had backed up on our external hard drive and DVD's.

We watched the NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Michigan and noticed a lot more empty seats. You can sure tell people aren't going to the races like they used to. We had invited Dave and Maxine to come over later in the afternoon. I met Dave in the chat room a couple years ago. They live about an hour and a half from us in Huntington, Indiana in their Mobile Suites fifth wheel. They rode here on their Honda Gold Wing motorcycle. We sat in the RV for awhile and talked about our travels and future plans. Then we went for dinner back to Middlebury Hill restaurant where we went last night.

Dave and Maxine.
Thank you Dave and Maxine for coming up to see us.  We'll meet up again in a park one day.

We are moving back to Joliet tomorrow. Our time is done here in Indiana. We love this area and since it's home to me, we'll be back many times. I know I've gained a few pounds with all the great food we've been eating, but we'll lose it once we get to Florida for the winter and get back to our daily walks.  


Jim and Sandie said...

Thanks for the reminder to back up my computer. I need to go through an delete pictures also. Good food + good friends = good times.

Rick and Elaine NB said...

you also had a great and busy weekend....I'm trying to catch up on all my blogs before crashing for the night...its so nice that your getting to meet chatters and take the great pics Dee...I so enjoy your blog

Debbie Goode said...

Glad to see all is going well and sounds like you are having a great time! We start our "repair" journey Sept 6.....heading to Elkhart! Travel safe!

Mike and Terri said...

How nice that you got to meet one of your chat friends. We met Dave and Maxine at the last RV Dreams Rally. Really nice folks, and we hope we'll see them on the road some time.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...