Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A New State for Tumbleweed - Visit With Chatting Friends

(Oconto, WI)  Hi 70 Lo 56 -- We went to the casino for a great breakfast before getting hitched up for our move to Oconto, Wisconsin.  We watched the buses full of day gamblers come in.  The buses pick up people from several different towns for the day then they go back home at night.

We started out at 9:45 Eastern time but within a mile we were in the central time zone.  We had a great trip to Oconto.  The terrain changed from forests and woods to agricultural.  I love barns and there's a lot of them in Wisconsin.  I took as many pictures of them as I could while driving.  I also saw a deer in a field, but didn't have time to get the camera out.

We got to Karen and Steve's about noon.  I met Karen online in RV-Dreams chatroom in September 2009. We've been emailing and in contact ever since.  When she found out we were coming south from  Michigan we made plans to see them.

We're parked in their driveway next to their Class A Safari. 

We had a wonderful visit with Karen and when Steve got home from work at 3:00 he joined us in our RV.  Steve grilled some burgers and brats and Karen fixed up some side dishes, and we had a wonderful dinner and a great evening sitting on the deck talking.

We'll be here a week, unless they kick us out earlier. :)  For more info on what we do check out Karen's blog.

1 comment:

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Glad you guys are safe at the Pfundler RV Park. we loved our week up there. Lots to see and do. You will love Karens cooking. she is a doll. Steveio is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to fixing and modifying RV's.We are looking forward to seeing you when you get to St louis. let us know and we can sponsor you at Lake Sherwood's campground for 12 dollars a night, It's not as cheap as our house or your sisters, but the campground and Lake are a plus. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna....

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...