Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just Relaxing -- Hot and Humid in the USA

(Oconto, WI) Hi 86 Lo 72 -- As we traveled across eastern Canada a couple of weeks ago we did a lot of bragging about the beautiful weather we had the whole way. Well, we're no longer bragging. It's hot here, but what's more, it's MUGGY! The local weather experts reported the highest humidity ever in this part of Wisconsin is 83%, and it's been right at 80% the last few days. Of course most of the U.S. is having high heat and humidity, so we're not alone. Karen called a local cheese factory this morning to try to arrange a tour. They used to give tours, but they don't anymore. So we decided to stay home and stay cool.

I took Karen to pick up her granddaughter Chelsea  from day care. She's cutting teeth and not feeling good today. She's 18 months old and very quiet, at least while around us.

After her nap Grandma brought her over to our home to wait for momma. She's so shy; Karen says she's usually not that way. 

We did computer work most of the day. I worked on photos and Jim worked on our next destination when we leave Friday. For dinner we had pork steaks, potato salad, garden salad, veggies and watermelon. The guys got together and did the grilling, and Karen and I got the fixings. What a great meal! 

After we ate we sat back and just visited.  

We went back to the RV to watch some TV, then called it a night. Tomorrow looks to be a fun day.


KarenInTheWoods said...

Ohhh those pork steaks look good enough to eat! AND THEY WERE!!! LOL

What a wonderful treat you brought for a fine meal. Thanks so much for such a treat... that St. Louis BBQ sauce was very very good!

I think it's getting hotter as the night is going on here, it sure seems like it.

Think cool thoughts!
Karen and Steveio
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Jim and Sandie said...

We're finally getting a break from our heat here. Thank goodness. Hopefully the cold front will move your way. Dinner looked wonderful.

Karen and Al said...

What a great looking feast you had. Those pork steaks looked great.

Say hello to Karen and Steve for us! How nice you got to visit them. It's too bad it's been so hot. I guess we're used to 90 degrees and muggy because it isn't bothering us :)

Travels with Emma said...

I had forgotten how good pork steaks can be. Your pictures reminded me. I'll have to get some pretty soon. :)

Along the Way with JnK said...

We are currently down in the Wisconsin Dells, so we know exactly what you are feeling. The good news is today is suppose to be the end of this heat wave for this area. To be able to sleep with the windows open would be just what the doctor ordered...so tired of the a/c but so very grateful for it at the same time.

We have pork steaks all the time, but never tried BQ sauce on them...hmmmm...we will next time!

Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51) Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlar...